Chapter Five

"Finally, you decided to call back!" Cj yelled into the pay phone.

Trina grabbed the phone from Cj and pushed her away. "I'm sorry, Cj's just really excited about meeting Taylor's brothers." She explained smiling at Cj.

Cj rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I think I'm about ready to faint if I don't. Wait I think I may cry. Maybe I can squeeze a tear." Than she shook her head. "Nope, it passed." She said dryly.

Trina laughed at Cj. "You're by the Phoenix?" She asked uneasily. "I don't care what you say or do, I am not going on that ride again." She replied.

"Okay, we'll meet you at the Cotton Candy stand. Okay, I love you. Buh bye." She said in a little girl's voice.

Cj was looking as a very 'hot' guy walked by. She nodded approvingly at him. Then she felt herself being dragged away from him.

"No, Trina. He was fine!!" She whined.

"He was fine!! You're no fun." She said disappointed from being dragged away from the extremely fine guy.

"Too bad. We're gonna meet Taylor's brothers." Trina said as she kept pulling on her arm.

Looking at the heavens Cj pleaded with God.

"Please, don't do this to me. I swear I'll be good. I'll never say another bad word, I'll listen to my parents, and I'll never say or do another bad thing for the rest of my life. Just please, don't make me go." She begged.

"Too late." Trina sang smiling.

Cj groaned. She looked back up to the heavens. "Gee, thanks." She said sarcastically.

Taylor, Isaac, and Zac was staring at Cj strangely. Cj stared back. "May I help you?" She asked sharply.

Taylor cleared his throat as Liz and Trina gave her a warning glance. "Cj, these are my brothers Isaac and Zac. Isaac and Zac, this is Cj. She's the drummer." He explained smiling.

Isaac held his hand out to her. Cj stared at it. "Forgive me if I don't shake your hand." She said cooly.

Trina elbowed her sharply in the ribs. Then Cj shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you two also." She said through clenched teeth as she shook Zac's hand.

Zac shook his head. "How long have you been playing the drums?"

Cj looked at him in a 'please don't talk to me' look. She sighed when Trina was about to elbow her again in the ribs. "Since I was very little. I got a tiny set when I was six. But before then I was always banging on pots and pans. Or water glasses. Just whatever I could. You?" She asked in forced politeness.

"Zac's been playing since he was ten, right?" Trina asked before Zac could answer.

Isaac laughed at Zac's 'she actually knows that?' look.

Zac nodded. "Yeah, that's about right." He replied.

"So what are we going to do?" Cj asked really bored from just standing around and talking.

Liz was pulled out of her deep conversation with Taylor. "Well, we can go on some more rides." She offered.

Cj smiled. "Come on then." She urged everyone. Well, only Trina and Liz really. But the guys accepted too.

"I want to go on the ferris wheel." Liz said looking up at Taylor.

Cj held the queasiness in her stomach down. She turned to Trina but she and Zac were already gone.

"I guess that just leaves you and me." Isaac said laughing.

Cj turned back to Liz but she was already gone with Taylor. 'Thank you, God.' She said bitterly to herself. She sighed. "So what ride do you want to go on?" She asked looking at him really for the first time.

Isaac shrugged. "How about 'The Ring of Fire?" He asked slyly.

"Yeah." Cj said in shock. She loved that ride, but Liz and Trina would never go on it.

"Then let's go." He said slightly pushing her towards the ride. They had gotten a seat to share with themselves. "Ready?" Isaac asked looking at her smiling.

Cj smiled back. "Yeah." She said like 'Cher from Clueless.'
