Chapter Six

-Ferris Wheel-

Liz was sitting next to Taylor and looking over the edge watching as the people below walked around the park. "Isn't this cool?" She asked breathlessly from the sight.

Taylor looked over also. He smiled down at the people. "Yeah, it is."

"I've always been fascinated about heights." Liz said smiling.

"Why?" Taylor asked.

Liz laughed. "Because when you're up so high your problems can't really follow you." She replied.

Taylor nodded slowly.

"Look I'm really sorry about Cj. She's just not normally like that. She has problems." Liz said laughing.

"How kind of you." Taylor said laughing also.

"No, seriously though. Cj's not really like that. Amazing as it might be to you, she's actually a very sweet, nice, and happy person." Liz explained.

Taylor looked unconvinced. "Are we talking about the same Cj still? Or did I fall asleep in the conversation?" He asked.

Liz smiled slightly. "Really. She is." She insured.

Taylor shrugged. "I believe you." He said it simply but he meant it.

The ride was coming to an end. Liz smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks." She whispered softly before she got off. She waited for Taylor and they started to walk around.

-Zac and Trina-

"Is Cj satanic?" Zac asked.

Trina started laughing. Loudly. "No, Zac, Cj's not satanic." She stopped walking. "Why do you ask?" She asked curiously.

Zac shrugged. "She just seems like a very disturbed and mean person."

"Well, she's really not. She's really a funny person. Sometimes nice and sweet too. Only there are times, such as you witnessed, she's a complete, umm I guess the only polite word would be a bitch." Trina explained unsure if she should.

Zac nodded. "Okay, well, at least she can be nice, sweet, and funny sometimes. It would pretty much suck if she was always acting like she was. Except I don't get one thing." He said as they stood in line for a huge water ride.

"What?" Trina asked looking straight at him.

"Why was it that she looked completely happy when she was on the stage with you and Liz? And then turned into a completely different person when she got off?" He questioned. He was a tiny bit confused.

Trina smiled. "Cj has a real love for music. She puts boyfriends, her social life, and schooling after music and learning more beats on her drums. I doubt if she could really learn anything else about the drums." She said shaking her head. "One time Liz and I went looking for Cj because we hadn't seen her for about three days. She had locked herself in her room trying to figure out what was wrong with the beat in one of our songs. Now that song is completely perfect." She laughed at the memory.

Zac was completely in shock. "Are you for real?"

"No, Zac I'm fake." Trina said smiling. "I'm a barbie girl. In the barbie world. Life in plastic. It's fantastic." She started to sing.

Zac held his hands up in defeat. "Okay, okay. I believe you. Just please, don't sing that song."

Trina laughed. "Okay, I won't sing it anymore." She promised.

Then Zac grabbed her hand and they got in a small little log thing and they went up a huge hill.

"This is going to be great." Trina yelled in his ear. Since he was sitting up front.

Zac only nodded his answer.

Trina realized she was up really high and started screaming as they started to go down. Then she felt ice cold water go all over her. When she got off the ride and looked down at herself she saw that she was completely soaked. And Zac was thoroughly drenched.

Zac was in hysterics. "That was soooooo cool!" He shouted happily. "Let's go again?"

Trina stared at him like he was crazy. "Nu, uh!!" She shouted back. "That's the second ride that I went on dealing with heights. I'm ain't goin on no more." She said placing her hands firmly on her hips.

"Okay." Zac said shrugging. He checked his watch. "Whoa. We need to find Tay and Ike. We're going to perform soon." He said grabbing her hand and started running.
