Chapter Seven

The Stage

"I can't believe you're forcing me to do this." Cj muttered as she stood in front of the stage. Teenage girls were swarming around them. All excited about seeing Hanson. Some were even crying. Cj had to roll her eyes.

Liz and Trina laughed as she did. "Well, Cj, is this the time to tell you that they're giving us a ride home?" Liz asked cautiously.

Cj groaned loudly and started to beat her head on the stage. "What did I do that was so completely and horribly wrong to deserve this?" She asked out loud.

Trina smiled. "Umm, the fact that you were a complete bitch to them is ringing in my mind."

Cj stopped banging her head. "I'm a complete bitch to everyone." She pointed out.

"See?" Liz asked.

"Fine!" Cj shouted. "I'll be nice. But if it kills me, you guys cannot get a replacement drummer!! You have to lug my drums with you to every concert and put my pic on the chair." She said seriously.

Liz and Trina looked at each other and shrugged. "Okay." They said in unison.

Cj groaned. "Thanks. And don't do that you sound like you're in surround sound." She said. And then she was quiet until someone came out on stage.

-Back Stage-

"Hey, there's Liz, Trina and Cj." Zac said looking out into the audience.

"Where?" Isaac and Taylor asked at the same time.

"There's something truly wrong with Cj." Zac said as he watched her start pounding her head on the stage.

"Liz, says that there isn't anything wrong with her." Taylor said shrugging.

Zac looked totally unconvinced. "Ike, you spent time with her. Is there something wrong with her?"

Isaac laughed. He patted Zac's head. "No, Zac. There's nothing wrong with Cj. She's very funny. Nice at times too."

"Whatever." He mumbled to himself. "What's Liz like, Tay?" He asked still looking at the group of girls.

Taylor smiled at Zac. "She's a very sweet person. She seems to care a lot about Cj." He responded.

"What's Trina like?" Taylor asked.

"She's weird. But not like strange weird, or weird weird, but a cool weird." Zac explained. Then he turned to Isaac and Taylor.

Isaac just nodded his head. "Sure."

Zac turned back to watching Liz, Trina, and Cj.

Isaac looked at Taylor and shrugged. Taylor shrugged also.

Someone walked out on stage and they heard him asked the crowd if they knew who Hanson was.

"Smart guy." Isaac said sarcastically.

"Stupid retard!!" They heard someone shout from the audience.

"Who was that?" Taylor asked looking into the audience.

Zac started laughing. "It was Cj."

Isaac and Taylor joined in on Zac's laughter. And they continued to laugh as they walked out on stage.
