Chapter Eight

Back at the Front of the Stage

"Do you know who Hanson is?" The guy asked the crowd.

"Oh, my god." Cj muttered. "Stupid retard! They're the only reason why we're here!!!!" She shouted loudly. And the whole audience had heard her. and they were laughing at it. As was the guy on the stage.

"Don't ever do that again." Liz said as they watched Hanson run onto the stage laughing.

Cj looked at her and shrugged. "He was a retard. He deserved it." She defended.

"You humiliated him." Liz pointed out.

"He laughed at it!!" Cj replied.

"Oh, just shut up you two!!" Trina said forcefully. "Watch the concert!!" She demanded.

Liz and Cj remained quiet on the subject. They listened and watched them perform. Cj was quite surprised at how well Zac was really doing. 'He's better than me.' She said to herself.

"You guys were great!" Liz said excitedly.

Trina started laughing. "Yeah!! You guys really rocked up there. You had the crowd goin and everything."

Cj just stood off and looked at the them. Then Liz and Trina shot her a 'say something nice' look. She cleared her throat and spoke up.

"Yeah. Great." She replied absentmindedly.

"No. What was great was when we heard someone call the guy who was introducing us a retard." Zac said smiling at Cj.

Cj just nodded her head. "I call's 'em as I see's 'em."

Isaac chuckled and so did Taylor. Trina, Liz, and Zac were laughing.

Rolling her eyes, Cj started to walk away.

"Hey, where are you going?" Isaac asked following her.

"I'm going for food. I'm hungry." Cj said over her shoulder. She thought that he was far behind her, but when she turned around he was standing right there.

"How about if we take you for a late dinner and then drop you ladies off?" He offered.

Trina and Liz already accepted the invitation for her. Cj shrugged. "I really have no choice now."
