Chapter Nine

-Car ride-

"So who's going to get dropped off first?" Isaac asked looking at Cj who was squished between him and Zac.

Cj almost groaned out loud but forced herself to be quiet. Her house was a long way from where they were. A long way. She knew that she would be the last one. 'Oh, goody.' She thought.

"That'd be me." Liz said sitting up as straight as she could. She was squished between Taylor and Trina. "It's just around the corner. The blue house."

"Right or left side?" Isaac asked.

"Right. It's the only blue house on the block." Liz said laughing.

Isaac had dropped her off and Taylor walked her to the door giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. Before leaving to get back into the car.

Zac got in the back squishing Trina up against Taylor.

Cj let out a long breath as she slid over towards the door gaining room. "Finally." She stated. "Air."

Isaac laughed. "Sorry about that."

"No problem. I always wanted to know what it was to be a sandwich." She said looking out the window. "That's one thing I don't ever wanna do again."

"Isaac, I'm next to be dropped off." Trina said laughing as Zac made a funny face at her.

"Okay. Where to?" He asked.

"Umm, uhh, I think it's two blocks up and one to the right." Trina said unsurely.

"Do you even know where you live?" Taylor asked.

Trina nodded. "Of course I do. I go there everyday."

Soon Trina was dropped off, but not without warning Cj to be nice.

Cj rolled her eyes. "The next person who tells me to be nice, I swear I'll kill them." She muttered under her breath.

"You know Liz said that you never act like this normally." Taylor said breaking the uncomfortable silence.

Cj turned around and looked at him. "Did she?" She asked.

"Trina said the same." Zac put in.

"And how did I become part of your guys' conversation?" Cj asked.

"They brought it up. They must care a lot about you." Taylor said smiling.

Cj imitated his smile. "Not really. I'm just really a good conversation starter." She replied turning back around.

"Do you hate us or something?" Zac asked.

"No." Cj said simply. "I just find making people's lives miserable more fun."

"Well, it's working." Taylor muttered.

Cj smiled genuinely. "Thanks. My mission in life should be coming to an end soon." Then she shook her head and sighed. "Okay, this will be the only time I say this and Trina and Liz won't believe you if you tell them." She said taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry."

"What?" Taylor and Zac asked at the same time.

"I'm not repeating it!" Cj said smiling. "I know I've been a pain. I just have a lot of pressure on me right now. With the band and my parent's are talking about me going to college and everything. It's just a lot right now." She said relaxing on the seat.

"Your parent's are already talking about you going to college?" Isaac asked in shock.

Cj nodded. "Yeah. They have my whole life planned out. I have to ask them again who I'm marrying and how many kids I'm going to have. If they allow me to have any." She said sarcastically.

Taylor whistled. "Ouch. That must really suck."

"Ya think?" Cj asked. "Turn left Isaac. That's my house at the end." She said pointing to the comfortable split level house at the end of the block.

"Cool house." Zac said staring at it.

Cj shook her head as she got out. "Liz's is better. She's allowed to wear her shoes on inside." She said turning away and walking up to the front door. She kicked off her shoes and walked barefooted into the house.

"Yeah, there goes a really happy child." Taylor said bitterly as he hopped into the front seat.

Isaac nodded his head in agreement. "I'm glad mom and dad hasn't planned my life out." He said backing down the driveway.

"I'm glad they haven't planned out mine." Taylor pointed out.

"Well, I'm glad-" Zac started. Then he shook his head. "Never mind. You know what I was going to say anyway." He replied laying down in the backseat.
