Chapter Ten

Somehow Kalli believed Taylors promise, the look in his eyes told her all she needed to know. She needed him to help her through this ordeal just as he needed her; together they would be able to survive, keep even a gentle grasp of the lives from which they had been stolen.

A long silence followed in which neither could speak, each wallowed in their own misery, grasping each other in the belief that they would be able to ward off all darkness and evil if only they stayed close.

"Can I ask you something?" Taylor broke the silence, curiousity getting the better of him, Kalli only nodded and pulled away slightly. "Why did Johnny leave you?" In the short space of time that he had known her she had never once let him penetrate that shield of protection which she held at all times. Despite that, despite the many secrets which she kept hidden deep inside, without really knowing her he had let himself fall in love; or, what he believed was love. That didn't seem to matter anymore though, minute by minute they were being brought together, bonded by their terror and that vague emotion seemed to have no place in their relationship.

"Johnny left because he was nearly caught dealing." the look of bitterness on her face showed him exactly how she felt "He planned everything, paid his rent, got rid of his supply and packed up in two days. Not once did he think of telling me, he didn't even leave me a message. He told me he loved me, I believed him and now I feel so stupid." Taylor watched as her face displayed emotions he couldn't even dream of. Sadness won overall; no tears were shed.

"Did you love him?"

"Yes." a soft whisper escaped her mouth, she looked so tired, all energy exhausted but he knew she would not be able to sleep. Even if she could the memory of what Danny had done would recount itself in her dreams.

"Did he hurt you?" her eyes rolled slowly towards him, her head moved inperceptibly.


"Why did you love him then?" He could not work it out; Taylor could see that he hadn't loved her at all, he used her, he treated her like rubbish.

"He was good to me Taylor, when he was clean." she sighed, a soft sound which sent shivers through his spine "He was so nice to me, he gave me somewhere to go, to get away from my parents fighting- to get high and forget it all. It was only when he was drugged up that he hurt me."

"What did he do?"

"Hit me, stuff like that. Sometimes he would try to make me sleep with him, I never did." the last sentence was delivered with desperation, she shook her head forcefully, making him believe what she said "I never slept with him Taylor- but he got nasty, he cut me, a few times, with his knife. Nothing too bad though." At this her arm strayed to her side, unconsciously caressing the smooth skin. She noticed his gaze had dropped to her hand.

"He didn't mean it Taylor." Taylor reached out and moved her arm. Beneath lay a horrific wound, fresh blood seeped slowly from it, blending with the purple-blue bruising which surrounded.

"Have you ever had it seen to?" she shook her head. "Oh my god, it's badly infected Kalli. How could you let him get away with this?" there was silence for a moment.

"He looked after me Taylor, sometimes I deserved it..." she bowed her head "Like I deserved to get raped..." Taylor looked at her sharply.


"It's all my fault, this. You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me... I deserve what I get."

"Kalli, no-one deserves that. This isn't your fault. Danny needs to be locked away forever, he's evil..."

"Taylor I'm so sorry for doing this to you..." her sad eyes had started to close. He took her back into his arms and continued to rock her gently, to send her to a place where maybe she could dream of a better life.

"You don't have to be sorry Kalli." he whispered. A rueful smile played on his lips as she buried her head in his hair and gave up the fight. Taylor sighed, longing himself for the comfort of sleep, for his own bed, for his home, his family. His dreams.

The innocence of his childhood had been lost, what remained was a soul which could never be redeemed.

Chapter Nine


Chapter Eleven
