Chapter Thirteen

Standing over them he felt regret. Tears glistened in his eyes, threatening to spill if he watched them any longer. Moving away he took one final glance and headed back to his still running van. Climbing in he pulled away from the rear of the hotel and drove casually towards the parking lot exit.

It's over, it's really over. I'll leave, get as far away from here as I possibly can...

A barrier dropped in front of him, a man walked over to his window and motioned for him to wind it down. He obeyed the order and turned to look at the man. He wore an official outfit and held a shining badge.

"Sorry sir, we're doing security checks on all the vehicles that leave through this exit, we need to check in the back of your van." an authoritative tone rang through his words, Danny watched the man with wide-eyed terror, the man stared back, realisation dawning on him. "Could you pass me your keys and step out of the van please sir." Another official joined the first and watched Danny as he moved to the back of the van and looked inside.

This is it Danny, you've fucked up good and proper. They know, they know. This is the end of your life. Danny collapsed to the floor.

"Taylor?" a faint movement came from beside her, a breath, a sigh, a wince of pain. "Oh my God, Taylor, I thought you were dead."


"Yeah, it's me Taylor."

"Where are we?"

"I don't know." it was pitch black, they were on the ground but free from their restraints. She tried to stand but her ankle buckled. "Shit, I've twisted my ankle..."

"It hurts Kalli, it hurts so much..." his voice was weak with pain and tears "I can't go on, I need help..." she could feel his hands, reaching out, grabbing her weakly. She found him and gently wrapped her arms around him.

"Help will come Taylor... don't worry."

"I'm tired, I need to sleep." Kalli tried to focus on his form but she could only make out a faint silhouette against the darkness. His body went limp against her, she tried to wake him, tried to wake herself but her head wouldn't stop spinning. She fought a losing battle against the weight on her eyelids and slowly drifted away into unconsciousness.

* * *

Torches shone against the dark rear of the looming hotel, five men slowly scoured the area for Taylor Hanson.

"Guys, I think I found something." they all ran to where the man was pointing and shone their torches into the confined space; a small hole in the wall where there was once a bin. Gasps came from all the men as they looked on sadly, one called into his radio for an ambulance.

Two figures, clutching each other in the darkness, their only comfort, each other. Their motionless bodies holding on to the other for support. Their blood mixed together in a diminutive puddle beneath them; their souls became one.

Chapter Twelve


