Chapter Two

Clueless as to why events were occuring in this way, Taylor followed the girl out of the hotel. Feelings of shock, confusion, intermingled deep inside him as he made a vague attempt to fathom out the past fifteen minutes.

Finding her wandering lost and lonely in the hotel foyer he had taken her slowly, stumbling back to his room, setting her carefully on the nearest bed and placing a glass of water in her shaking hand. When she looked at him he had felt a deep uneasiness having detected nervousness and something close to fright dwelling in her bloodshot eyes. The eyes which had been a bright sparkly blue the day they had met were now glazed and dull, not seeming to focus on anything as she feigned an interest in a mark on the floor. Her sentences were incoherent and at best he could only make out two or three words at a time.

Occasionally she would look up at him, familiar with his face but in her current state unable to revoke the memory of who exactly he was- an action which subconciously pulled at the very threads which attached the soul to his living being.

Slowly and unsurely he had sat down next to her and gently placed a hand on her arm, feeling a heat radiating from it that was entirely unexpected. From that one touch she had sighed deeply, achingly and had reached for his shirt, fumbling with the buttons. At once lapsing into shock he had only stared as she started to trail his bare chest with soft feathery kisses. Sitting in amazement, skin rippling she had started to work on his belt. This was the point at which he had lost his grip on events.

Reaching down he took hold of her shoulders, forcing her head up to look at him, desperately questioning her actions. She had only stared blankly, confused, trying to grasp what was happening.

"Sex..." she had forced out mumbling something else "you wanted..." here he had begun shaking his head intensely begining to understand what she was saying. "Why you invited me here..." she trailed off, the last sentence coming in a sudden gasp of exhaustion.

"No, Kalli, no." he tried to make her see, to understand. She had only looked at him, a pained expression masked her sweet appearance. Taking only a few seconds to comprehend his words she had suddenly become laden with unused energy and had jumped unexpectedly off the bed, almost losing the use of her legs as she did so. Speaking once as an intended parting comment she had glared at him with fierce intensity, convincing him that she was not in full control, that her mind was in some other world which was becoming increasingly inpenetrable.

"You...were my...last hope for...comfort." forcing the words out like each grazed her lips, deeply and painfully he could almost see the stinging sensation as the small amount of words joined together to form one complete sentence that had meant something near life or death to him as he jumped quickly and raced down the hall after her.

And so here he was, standing in the midst of a storm but deeply unconcious of it as he bent down next to a seemingly lifeless form on the ground and tried to shake her awake, to no avail. He sat down next to her, taking her hand unable to think coherently, desperately racking his mind for an idea, something which might, in some vague way cause her to wake up. His pains remained fruitless and unneeded as her eyes fluttered open and remained unfocussed on his beautiful face.

Relief disipated as a sharp pain suddenly enveloped his body and the world became black.

Chapter Three

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