Chapter Four

Awaking, as if from a peaceful sleep she sighed and opened her eyes, they landed first on Taylor whose face was buried deep within the shelter of his folded arms. His body shook with silent sobs, unregistered by Kalli, focusing only on his wet hair and damp clothes.

"Taylor why are you wet?" Unaware of her situation, she took everything around her in without question. A feeling of detachment overcame her, she was no longer a part of the world which her body inhabited, she floated above it all, a mere essence of her former self. It didn't disturb her, this feeling was the reason she had turned to drugs, the escape from real life, the seemingly fictional role which she played out was only a remote manifestation which lived on the edge of her psyche. She lived for the moment, never questioning why or how she got there, sometimes ignorance was bliss.

Taylor lifted his head slowly, cautiously, afraid. The pain in his eyes was apparent as he stared at her, watching her, not answering her question. Shock was clear on his face, with a mixture of other mingled emotions. His lips started moving but his words were incomprehensible, the only sound audible was a low buzzing, inhabiting her mind, taking over her soul. A vague awareness of the fact that she was wet drifted to her, along with a realisation that her surroundings were unfamiliar. A dingy room, an uncovered light bulb hanging in a far corner highlighting that area but casting the remainder of the room in shadows and little else. It doesn't matter, the voice returned, what matters is Taylor. He's angry with you Kalli, he wants to hurt you, like the others. He wants to teach you the lesson you never learnt.

"No..." she shook her head trying to escape from that awful raspy voice, it continued overcoming the buzzing, becoming everything until there was only her and the voice. Like a dream it whispered to her, things she didn't want to hear yet she was unable to restrain. Johnny. Kalli, you remember him? Of course you do, a harsh laugh echoed through her thoughts, he's the reason you're like this isn't he, a drug addicted slut, you should have given him what he wanted Kalli, maybe life would have been easier that way. She felt a numb stroke over the side of her stomach, it was a distant feeling that still brought pain from that unhealing gash, a knife cut which refused to heal. That never would have happened Kalli if you'd have satisfied him, the voice continue boring into her soul scraping those unsealed wounds. She waited for it to return, to continue the nasty hurtful speech. But she was being dragged down, taking a grip on her life, returning to conciousness once again.

"Kalli, are you okay?" she could see Taylor once again, hear his words and recognise that they were weak, lacking in the energy which had become a common feature of this boy. His eyes held genuine concern, for her... and for something else. She stared at him as she regained herself, becoming whole again, soul and matter merging into one another. Waking; as if from a deep sleep, lasting for an unknown span of time, remeniscent of the ever loved fairy story 'Sleeping Beauty', she had loved that story as a child, envying the simpleness of that life compared to her own- the happy ever after at the end had caused a warm feeling in the pit of her stomach- she attempted to force a smile on her face, one to convince him that she was alright and began her struggle to rise from the floor.

"What..?" having been yanked back to the floor by an unknown restraint she had only stared uncomprehending at the cuff and then at Taylor only then noticing the tears cascading down his face. She watched as he took a deep breath instantly becoming scared by the look of fear in his eyes.

"We've been kidnapped." he was trying so hard to explain, she could feel it emerge from his words yet she couldn't take it in, it was too quick, why would anyone take her? "We're going to be here for a week... at most but..." tears once again overwhelmed his lovely facade and a desire to comfort him attempted to surface in her mind, it was pushed away as concern for herself became a primary care. She became blank, she could hear his voice repeating her name but she couldn't take anything in, life had suddenly become too complicated for her to understand so she pushed it away until maybe her brains reflexes were strong enough to process the information she was being given. She slipped away once again into that black world where she could no longer feel pain and left the world which seemingly could do no more than offer her that.

Taylor watched her with growing sympathy, he knew something was wrong with her but he couldn't quite fathom what that was. She seemed unstable, that wouldn't have been anything extraordinary except that he believed she hadn't quite taken in the true implications of their situation. He wanted to help, but he was incapable, considering both his confines and his lack of emotional strength he was in no position to offer any type of support to her.

Sighing he turned away, unable to look at her angelic and innocent form, but still visualising her in his mind; she wasn't the same though, she was crying, tears pouring from her dazzling eyes. He remembered the look she had given him, one mixed with contempt and pleading...

A red figure caught his eye, it was a deep red which shamed the gaudy colour of the hotel furnishings. Pausing to look at the figure he was suddenly overcome with a deep longing and desire which was in truth entirely new to him. He was unable to see her face but just the slender curve of her body and the rich auburn hair which surrounded her face sent a shock through him remeniscent of the feeling which empowers your body once you step from temperatures of almost freezing into the heat of a beautiful fireplace. There was strength in that feeling which caused him to gravitate towards her, a move which had been discouraged by his brother.

"Tay, where are you going?" Isaac, his oldest brother had taken his arm gently and was watching his movements questioningly. He vaguely gestured towards the girl.

"I want to see if she's alright." Taylor replied annoyed by his brothers interference. Isaac had lectured him briefly about safety causing Taylor to become more aggravated, eventually he had ignored his brother and approached her anyway. He stood before her for a moment, thinking of something to say before deciding to first gain her attention.

"Hey." he spoke softly so as not to cause alarm, now that he was closer he could see the shaking of her body and hear the gentle sobs, filled with pain and heartache. Raising her head slowly to look at him he took in her sweet appearance, gleaming blue eyes framed by dark lashes and full red lips intensified the effect she had on him and made her only more beautiful. She hadn't spoken, words at that moment would leave him incapable of any form of reaction and so he silently thanked her for it. She stared at him for what seemed a lifetime, he was compelled to expand on his statement. "Are you okay?"

He watched with sorrow as she wiped quickly at her tears trying to hide traces of her sadness and look at him desperately not knowing what to do. She pondered the question for a moment and then answered.

"I'm fine. Who are you?" he was slightly perturbed by this question, it had been a while since a teenage girl hadn't recognised him. In some ways he was upset but he could definately see the advantages... He sighed and prepared to introduce himself.

"Taylor Hanson." extending his hand he smiled weakly preparing himself for a multitude of questions which he had heard on numerous occasions. Instead she returned his weak smile and shook his hand.

"Hi," she dropped his hand and motioned for him to sit down "I'm Kalli James nice to meet you." she didn't know who he was, he was shocked. He was definately experiencing a lot today. They sat in silence, he could recognise the effort she was making not to cry again and he sighed. There are things that are more important than you Taylor, he scolded himself, so get over it.

"Look, you don't sound fine..." he tried his best to reason with her but his words only caused more tears. Heavy sobs shook her body with such a great force that he was taken aback. Gently placing a hand on her arm he squeezed and gently coaxed her to speak.

"Come on, tell me about it."

The emotional strain of this flashback was too much for him to take, exhaustion overcame him and he lost his battle against the forthcoming slumber which relieved only a small portion of the aching within him. As he drifted to sleep one thought was imminent in his mind; I want to go home.

Chapter Five

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