Chapter Eight

"Kalli, I'm gonna take you somewhere special... to say sorry." Johnny placed his arm lovingly around her and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"It's okay baby. I know it wasn't your fault." she winced in pain as the cut in her side reminded her of that awful night.

"It was and I'm so sorry." he lead her to a small sofa and sat her down "I'm gonna take you to the beautiful restaurant in the Excelsior hotel... you know, where all those guys with full wallets go and I'm gonna buy you whatever you want. I'm gonna send a cab to get you and we'll have one to come back, does that sound good?"

"That sounds great."

"You can wear your new dress honey." he cocked his head in the direction of an exquisite deep red dress which hung delicately over the edge of Johnny's small bed.

"Thankyou." she planted a grateful kiss on his rough lips...


Scenes from her life played against her closed eyelids, events which had lead up to this moment...


"Pick up... damnit, pick up the phone you..." her mutterings were cut off by a female voice on the other line.

"Hello?" she sounded familiar but Kalli ignored it.

"Wheres Johnny?" she cried into the phone. Tears were starting to gather behind her eyes as she listened to the womans reply.

"Johnny left honey," her sympathetic voice rang through Kalli "he said he wanted to get as far away from here as possible. Mentioned something about drugs, the cops... whatever; he's paid his rent so I don't give a shit." Before Kalli could respond a disconnected tone rang from the reciever. She stared at it in shock, trying to fight back the ever-present tears which threatened to spill; she lost and as wrenching sobs shook her whole body she sank dismally onto the gaudy red furnishings of the hotel foyer. Johnny had gone; she was alone with no-one to protect her.


Tears flowed constantly, he couldn't stop the onslaught. His body weighed with guilt; this was all his fault, he brought her here and now he couldn't save her from the torture. If only he'd passed, unacknowledging her beautiful presence...


"No way." her eyes were disbelieveing as she grinned at him shaking her head "I don't believe it... you're too young."

"So!" Taylor laughed "My brother is only twelve and he's in it aswell..." Kalli had finally offered her story to Taylor; only about Johnny leaving her... he was very sympathetic and caring. Kalli told him to stop and then proceeded to ask about him and what he was doing in such a 'posh' hotel.

"Yeah. What do you sing then?"

"MMMBop, Wheres the Love..." her eyes glistened as she sat straight in her chair.

"MMMBop, I've heard that." she sang a weak version of the chorus and then looked at him questioningly "That it?"

"Well, something like that."

"Cool, well..." she extended her hand to shake "I've just met a famous pop star."

"Glad you believe me." her infectious smile seemed somewhat put on but he joined in with her cheerful conversation. They spoke for over an hour; he invited her to come back the next day.


Danny stopped, dragged her helpless body across the room and relocked her handcuff. Taylor lifted his head and glared at Danny, tears fell unrelentlessly down his face.

"Don't fucking look at me you little gay boy." he spat out and turned on his heel. As he went he delivered a sharp painful kick to Kalli's side and laughed scornfully at her as she lay still, unresponding.

"Bastard." Taylors whisper was clearly audible in the almost silent room. Danny stopped at the door and turned to look at the young boy, his evil eyes bore into his soul before he left the flat with another loud bang.

After a moment, Kalli drew her legs up to her chest, clutched her side and stared blankly at the wall.

Chapter Seven


Chapter Nine
