Chapter One

I sat in her window cubby (AN what is that called??) looking at a magazine. In the article,it was talking about how Chris O'Donnell and his wife met. Jeez,why can't I be just a regular girl,going out with a star?? I said bluntly.

My thoughts were nterrupted by my mother yelling at me to get downstairs. I ran downstairs.

"We're leaving now;we'll be back in 4 weeks. There is money on te table for food. Use it sparingly," she said. She turned on her heels and slammed the door. Not even a goodbye!!

Oh well.....Maybe I'll go swiming,yea,that's a good idea. I went and put on my bikini,pulled my hair up, and put on my short jean shorts. I got my key,and ran out the door. As I was running, I saw 3 guys outside playing soccer.

I heard the one guy say "Ready,Tay?" and then I saw the soccer ball heading straight towards me!!!
