Chapter Ten

I woke up the next morning remembering yesterday. It was a memory that will stay with me forever. I rolled over. The clock said 10:28 A.M. I made my bed and hopped in the shower. I let the hot water droplets roll down my back. I must have stayed in the shower for 20 mintues. I walked out with the towel wrapped around me. The answering machine was blinking. I pressed 'New' that annoying voice came on. "One new message," it said. The message was Taylor: "Hey Kell. Call me back as soon as you can!!" I quick picked out an outfit. With my hair still wet and the towel wrapped around my hair, I called Taylor.

"Hello?" said the voice on the other end.

"Hi,this is Kelly,is Taylor there?"

"Hold on a second" I by now figured it was Zac when I heard him call for Taylor. It wasn't that hard to figure out seeing how Isaac wouldn't have called Taylor by saying: "Taylor, your lover girl is on the phone" and making kissy noises. I had to laugh at that poor thing!! **AN THat was meant sarcastically**


"Hey Taylor!!"

"Hey Kelly, whatcha doin'??"

"Nothing, I was just gonna go dry my hair. You??"

"Nothing. Zac is driving me insane with his stupid jokes."

"Hey, I heard that!!" I heard Zac in the background.

"Kelly, do you wanna go walking in the park??"

"Ummmm.....sure!! But, I have to dry my hair. You can come over right now, or I can call you when I'm done drying my hair. I don't think watching me would be very fun."

"Okay, I'll take your word for it!! Can you just call me??"

"Okay, Taylor!! I'll call you in a little bit. And do me a favor....don't let Zac answer the phone!!"

Taylor started laughing. "Okay, just for you!!" He said.

"Thanks!!" I said. We said our goodbyes, and I went to dry my hair. I finished and called Taylor. He didn't let Zac answer the phone, and he said he'd be right over. I felt more comfortable around him. I walked down stairs as soon as the doorbell rang.

"Hey Taylor!!" I greeted.

"Hey. Ready?" He said with a smile.

"Yup, sure am!!"

We walked out I slipped my hand through his. We walked to the park. There was a weeping willow tree. We went and sat under it. The wind blew our hair gently. We must of sat there for 10 minutes before anyone said anything. I broke the ice.

"Hey Tay?? Ya wanna come see 'Titanic' with me for the fourth time??"

"Titanc?? Can't we see like 'Godzilla' or something with action??"

I playfully slapped his arm. "Oh come will be fun, just me and you." I guess when he knew I wasn't gonna give in to going to go see 'Godzilla', he agreed.

"Okay, fine,but no crying on me!!" He said.

"I'll try" I answered. He stood up and extended his hand. I took it. We walked hand in hand back to the house.
