Chapter Two

I woke up in a strange house,with a wet washcloth over my forehead. I woke up and.......Taylor Hanson was staring me in the face!!!

"Hi" he said "Look, I'm really sorry for hitting you in the head with the ball!!!"

"It's ok." I said. "You're Taylor Hanson,aren't you?" I said ever so faintly, and glumly.

"Yeah, I am. Please don't freak out!!!"

"Don't worry my head hurts too much to freak out!!" I said.

He laughed. "Mom,she's up!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs,or at least that's what it seemed like.

"Please,not so loud" I said.

"Oh,I'm really sorry," he said blushing. I heard footsteps coming down the hall.

"Are you ok?" the blond lady asked.

"Yeah, I am, thanks" I got up and said that I had better go. The blond lady asked me if she should call my mom. I told her the situation about she wouldn't be back for about 4 weeks.

She gasped. "Oh my GOD!! Oh sorry, I didn't mean to offend your parents," she said blushing.

"No,that's ok, I'm used to my parents leaving me." I said.

"Well....why don't you stay here tonight,and we'll see how you feel in the morning," she said now with a smile on her face. That would be GREAT!!

"Are you sure you don't mind?" I said quickly.

"No, not at all," she patted my head. I felt like a dog at that point. When she asked me,I just felt like someone wanted me,I had always liked Taylor,but my parents reminded me 'I was Nothing.'

"You can borrow one of Taylor's shirts,and we'll pull a mattress on the floor." She said it in a way that made me just feel good. It seemed like she wanted me. For the first time in my life.

"Thank you very much Mrs. Hanson. This means ALOT TO ME!!!!" I PRAYED she didn't see my eyes lite up, and one of the BIGGEST smiles I had ever given anyone!!
