Chapter Four

We sat down on the couch: me in the middle between Zac and Taylor. We laughed about how Chandler was being stupid and practically everything!! The show ended, and the credits started rolling. We basically sat in silence, until I broke it......."Hey You guys wanna come over swimming tomorrow??" I asked.

"Yea Buddy we do!!!" Zac said a little too enthusiastically.

"Let me go ask," Tay seemed like he wanted to. Zac was all thrilled about tomorrow and he didn't even know if he could yet!!

I heard footsteps and Taylor walked in. "My mom said we could." He answered.

"Yes!!" Zac jumped.

I had that same felling too!!

"Calm down Zac," Taylor instructed.

"Yes,sir!!" Zac saluted him. Taylor was holding in his laugh!!

"Taylor." Isaac called in a whisper.

"Huh??" he replied. I had long gone fallen asleep. Zac also was up in bed.

"You really like her don't you??" Isaac asked.

"Well......yea." he blushed. "Even though I just met her, it just seems like we 'clicked,'" he said.

" sweet!!" Isaac said playfully. "Do you think I should wake her, or do you want to do it 'Romeo'??" Isaac said smiling.

"Oh...shut-up!! Maybe I should keep things to myself from now on!!" Taylor snapped back.

"Ok,ok....Just joking!! Isaac replied.

Taylor walked up to me and said: "'s time to go upstairs to a 'real' bed."

"Wow...real Romeo!!" Isaac said. Taylor shot him a look that made Isaac regret it. I didn't understand, so I just shrugged it off. I got up and went upstairs,collapsing on my so called 'bed'.
