Chapter Five

I woke up in a strange room. I then realized where I was. Nobody was in the room with me, so I figured that they already went downstairs. I got up. I had no other clothes to put on, so I was stuck in Taylor's shirt. **AN I wouldn't think that that was a bad thing!!!** I walked past Zac, Tay's and Ike's room. No one there. "Geez.......either their early birds,or I'm just Rip Van Winkle!!" I said to myself. I kinda laughed at my stupid remark.

I walked downstairs. Zac was watching some kind of cartoon. I'm not a big cartoon nut, so I didn't know what it was. "Hey Zac!!" I said enthusiastically. I was always the kind of person that woke up happy, unless something drastic had happened. "Hey Kell!!" he replied with his gap toothed smile, but it was so cute!!

I walked into the kitchen. Tay and Ike were eating pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Jessie and Avery were eating cereal. Mackie wasn't there and neither was Walker. So, I figured they were out for a walk or something. "Hi Sweetie," Diana said cheerfully.

"Hi Mrs. Hanson," I said with a smile. I had just gotten my braces off about 4 weeks ago, so I smiled as much as I could!!

"Hey Kelly," Tay and Ike said. I guessed they weren't morning people.

"So,what do you want for breakfast,Kelly??" Diana said.

"A piece of toast will be fine," I answered back.

"Are you sure you don't want something bigger than that??" she questioned.

"No,I'm not a big breakfast eater, though, but thanks anyways," I replied with a smile. I sat down with my toast with Taylor and Isaac. We didn't say much.

I finished eating, and I got up from the table and put my plate in the dishwasher. I started putting the plates from the sink in the dishwasher. I finished doing that. "Mrs.Hanson, do you want anymore help??" I asked. Even though I was sucking up,I thought it was the least I could do for letting me stay with them.

"No, that's ok, but thanks." She smiled. Taylor and Isaac got up. Mrs.Hanson looked up from what she was doing and said, "Kelly.....what time should the boys come over??"

"When they're finished getting ready," I shrugged. "We can walk over together,and then they can start swimming, and I'll go put my suit on." I gave a more detailed answer.

"Sounds fine." she told me. "Do you wanna go tell Zac for me, please??" she asked.

"Sure" I relplied. I walked over. "Zac,whenever you, Taylor, and Isaac are ready, we can leave," I said.

Zac jumped off the couch,ran into the kitchen, ran right over to where Taylor and Isaac were sitting, and said, "Let's go, the sooner you guys get up, the sooner we can leave!!!" Zac didn't wait for an answer, just ran out of the kitchen and upstairs.

"Sorry,Kelly," Taylor said sympathetically. "He ate sugar for breakfast." I giggled at that and sat in the living room and waited for them to come back down.
