Chapter Six

I heard footsteps coming down the steps. Sounded like an elephant, my first guess was it was Zac; I was right. He had on black and yellow swimming trunks on. He had his 'Hanson' shirt on. Taylor and Isaac came down less animal-like. Tay had on blue and red trunks, and Isaac green and white. They both had on solid color tee's.

" guys ready??" I asked.

"Of course we are!!!" Zac said. "Mom,we're leaving!!" Zac yelled.

"Zac,That was my ear," I covered my ear as I said it.

"Whoops.....sorry!!" He looked at me with puppy-dog eyes that anyone could forgive.

"Does he do that to you guys too??" I asked.

"Yeah, you just have to learn how to fight the urge to give in!!" Taylor said with a smile.

Diana walked down the hall. "Make sure you guys put on sunscreen," she said. She handed Taylor a bottle of it.

"Ok, mom, we will," Taylor said looking frustrated. We walked out the door. I got to my house I put my hand over the fence,and unlocked it.

"Whoa cool!!" Zac said. " guys can go ahead swimming, I'll go change." I told them.

"Okie dokie!!" Zac replied back. I got out my key, unlocked the door, and let myself in. I went up to my room, went to my drawer, and took out my yellow, blue, and green two-piece. It was a bikini top,and boy shorts bottom. I got dressed. I walked downstairs,and out the door. The swimming stopped when I walked out, "What, haven't you ever seen a girl in a two-piece before??" I put my hands on my hips, just joking though. They didn't answer, so I just went to my diving board and dove in. We just did stuff like races and stuff. Nothing real fun. Then Zac yells "Hey you guys wanna play 'chicken'??"

"Okay," it seemed fun. I had only seen people do it before. I never had played it before.

"Well...who's on whose shoulders?" Isaac asked.

Then Zac answered, " about me on Ike's and Kelly on Taylor's??"

"Okay," Taylor agreed. I got on Taylor's, and we started our fight. I knocked Zac off after about 3 tries!! He mostly beat me though. I didn't care. It still was alot of fun!!!

They came over and swam at my house for 3 days straight. I didn't care though. Admit it, who would?? Then Tay called me one night and asked me if I wanted to go rollerblading. I had never rollerbladed, so big chance for me. I had a pair of rollerblades, but when I first tried them on, I fell and never tried again.

"Okay, but I'm not good at all!!!" I answered. "I don't care I'll help you," he answered me back.

"Well....then I'll come over about 10:00 tomorrow morning, and we'll go,okay??"

"That's fine," I replied.

"Well....see you tomorrow!!" he said.

"Ok, bye." I set my alarm extra early that morning.
