Chapter Seven

Beep, Beep, Beep. Not a very pleasant way to wake up, huh?? I rolled over and hit my 'snooze' button. I then realized why I had set my alarm!! I stood up, made my bed, and walked to the bathroom. I went to go get a shower. I stepped in the shower and washed my hair like 3 times. I finished,and turned off the water. I got the hair dryer and dried my hair. I curled my hair under since hey, nobody has the perfect hair. I picked out my outfit for the day. I was a sleeveless lime green and blue shirt. I put on my white shorts with it. I walked downstairs and ate a blueberry muffin in record time!! "I don't know why I'm hurrying" I thought out loud. I threw away my trash and went and brushed my teeth. I thought "Maybe I should go put on some make-up.

I went and only put on clear mascara and lip gloss. I never really wore that much make up. I walked downstairs and turned on MTV. They were putting down Hanson again, so I just turned it off. No sooner, the doorbell rang. I had put my rollerblades by the door the night before so I didn't have to get them. I opened the door.

"Hey Tay!! How ya doin'??" I asked cheerily.

"Okay, you??" he answered.

"Fine, thanks. Ya ready??" I questioned.

"Yea, lets go!!" There wasn't that much conversation when we headed off until........
