Chapter Eight

Bam. Hits you like a sharp knife going through your body when you fall down on the cement.

"Owww!" I screamed in pain.

Taylor rushed over. He looked at my bleeding arms, legs, and hands. "Are you okay??" he asked concerned.

"No,I'm not." I looked into his crystal blue eyes.

"Here,take off your skates." He unbuckled them and then extended his arm to help me up. I took it and he carried my skates for me. We went over to his house.

When we walked in, Diana came over to see who it was. "Oh My GOD!!, what happened??" Taylor told her the story. "Well...come over here, and I'll clean you up," Diana said. "Here sit on the counter."

I couldn't get up, my legs hurt so bad. Taylor lifted me up. "Thanks," I said. I don't think I have ever seen that look in somebody's eyes before. The look in Taylor's eyes. I don't know how to explain it, but it was something I will never forget.

"Does that sting, sweetie??" Diana questioned.

"Yeah, a little" I answered. She wrapped gause around my hand and put bandaids on my arms and legs. "There, all done," she said proudly.

"Thanks, it feels better" I said. For some reason it actually did. It wasn't the antiseptic she put on it nor the bandaids. It was the the way that she and Taylor both looked at me.

Taylor helped me off the counter, and we went into the living room. He sat down with me. "Brings back memories, huh??" He joked.

"Yeah, sure does," I said.

"I guess no more skating for a while," he said. "I guess not," I answered. I just closed my eyes, and instantly I fell asleep.
