Chapter Nine

My eyes fluttered open. I had no idea where I was. I looked down at my hands all bandaged up and then remembered. I looked over at the clock it said 2:47 A.M. I wasn't tired anymore. I looked over to see Taylor sleeping on the floor next to the couch.

I was really thirsty, so I stepped over Taylor and walked to the kitchen. I opened the refridgerator and got out some Orange Juice. I poured it in a cup and put the carton back into the refridgerator. I sat down at the kitchen table by the window. It was so peaceful at night. I decided to go stand outside. I opened the door and walked out on the deck.

I heard the door open, and I turned around to see Taylor walking toward me.

"Hey," I said barely above a whisper.

"Can't sleep?" he questioned.

"No, I tried, but can't," I answered.

"Me either," he stated.

"It's so beautiful and peaceful at night," I told him.

"Yeah,I've never really been out here at night that much, seeing that we're hardly ever home," he said.

Even though there was no light I could tell he was smiling.

"How are your bruises??" he asked. '

"Oh, they're better, thanks" I told him.

"You know, I don't know much about you," he said.

"What do you want to know??" I replied.

"Whatever you want to tell me," he remarked.

" birthday is March 15. I'm 13 years old, my parents are hardly ever home, I LOVE music and swimming. I know alot about you, but ya wanna tell me more?" I asked.

"Well...." he starting saying about his family,and music and traveling. I stopped listening because my mind drifted off to other things.

"What's wrong??" he stopped talking to ask.

"Nothing, I was just thinking," I answered.

"About what??" He gave me a questioning glance.

"Well....about life, ya know?? I mean, you've found your purpose in life: To sing and make people feel happy, but what about my purpose??" I don't know what made me say it, but it seemed like he understood me perfectly.

"It took me a while until I realized what I was supposed to do in life,and I'm sure you'll find yours. You have a LONG life ahead of you, and you'll find something that you'll love doing!! I'm SURE of it!!" He ended.

"Thanks Taylor. I've never told anybody that because I thought that they would make fun of me or something like that, ya know?? But, I'm glad I told you, because you made me feel SOOOO much better. Thanks," I said smiling. I walked over and gave him a hug. It was brief, but for that 5 seconds, I felt safe. I never wanted to let go.

"Ike,can I talk to you??" Taylor asked his brother while they were alone in the room.

"Sure, little bro, what's up??"

"Well....Kelly and I had a long, nice talk last night, and we talked about pratically everything: life,ourselves, just everything, and I'm really starting to like her," Taylor ended looking at his hands.

" you like her, like really like her, like going out?? (**AN too many likes!!**)

"Yeah...I guess. I've never felt this way." He was blushing.

" her up, and ask her to go for a walk, and ask her out!! DUH!! Don't you kids know anything?? Kids these days!!" Ike said walking out of the room.

"Oh shut-up Ike" Taylor threw a pillow at him. "Oh Ike??" Taylor said. "Thanks"

"No problem little bro!!"

Taylor picked up the phone and dialed Kelly's phone number.

"Hello??" Came the voice from the other end.

"Hey Kelly, it's Taylor"

"Hey Tay, what's up??"

"Well...ya wanna go for a walk??" He asked drumming his fingers.

"Okay...sure." I was thrilled but I hope I didn't sound too enthusiastic.

"I'll be over at your house in a mintue, okay??" Taylor asked.

"Sure, see you then!!" I hung up the phone, went and brushed my hair, and went and put on my 'Keds'. I heard the doorbell ring and I ran downstairs to open it. "Hey Taylor Are you ready to go??"

"Yeah, lets go!"

I shut the door and we started walking.We were half way down the road and no one had said a word.

"Hey Kelly??" Taylor asked.

"Yeah?" "Well....ya know I really like you, and I wanted to know, would go out with me??" I couldn't believe it!! I had liked Taylor,and now HE was asking ME out!!

"Taylor, I like you too,and of course I will go out with you!!" I was smiling so broadly! So was Taylor.

He took my hand, and I got shivers up and down my spine. We walked down to the park. There were couples holding hands. I remember how I used to be so envious of them holding hands. And now I was holding hands with someone. I didn't think my life could EVER get any better.
