NEW!!! I have decided to make update lists for each specific story on this page. If you are signed up for the update list, please email me back, specifying which story you wish to be notified for! Thanks so much!

The author of Troubled Heart has re-written it, and the whole story is up now! I've decided that I'm not going to be accepting any more stories on this page until some of the current ones are finished. Sorry. There is also a section of this page that a lot of people are neglecting. It's the form section. I know you all hate those things, but this is the only way I can ask you all just exactly what you think of this page.

This page was last updated around 2:00 p.m. on June 14th.

DO NOT send me e-mail that has nothing in it. I have better things to do with my time, and it only takes up space which makes my computer take longer to load everything. Do not send me chain letters, either. If you have something useful and intelligent to say, then go ahead, e-mail me. If, however, you just feel like annoying someone, I suggest you go somewhere else because I can be just as annoying if not moreso. I'm letting you know that, since I have told you this, if you do it again, it is perfectly legal for me to press charges (that also goes for copying my story or any of the stories on here), and I will not hesitate to do so.

