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we're all winners

[winning isn't everything, but it sure is fun]

win my award(s) at the bottom of this page

[smells like girl]


[yellow skittle]

do you want to win my "melancholy butterfly" award or the "purrfect page" one? all you have to do is mail me for the melancholy butterfly award or for the purrfect page award with your url so i can check out your page. but there are a few things i don't know, when people AbSoLuTeLy HaVe To UsE tHiS kInD oF wRiTiNg, and those pop up windows with some stupid ad that i never visit anyway (one is ok, but not when they're on every gosh darn page you own! unless you're on angelfire or any other webpage thing that makes you have them!!! ). none of those "i hate [insert name here]", dislike is ok, but not hate. absolutely nothing with racism, and no pages that take hours to download. the awards look like this:

it's supposed to say "has" not "had" on the purrfect page award, but you'll see that when/if you get it. to those who already have gotten it: i'm sorry, but you've deserved the award anyway!

purrfect award winners so far:

jennifer .misery.
shauna Cheerfully Benevolent
ashley *smashley*
brandon dazed
ashley tears of an angel
lacy [yellow skittle]