The Dark Artists Webring
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Edit your site information.

Submit your site for approval. (Please see requirements below first.)

See sites that have been approved.

A forum for members and others to post ideas and new creations


A ring that caters to artists of a darker nature.
Includes sites portraying poetry, music composition,
artwork, and story lines of the darker and/or disturbed
nature. Those sites that do not fit the Ring Master and
Mistresses's criteria will be denied. Sites applying do
not have to be fully complete but atleast for the most
part functional. (No Dead Links!)


Site must:
- be atleast mostly functional ( NO DEAD LINKS!)
- have content complying with ring theme as posted in description
- be on the darker side, but not necessarily gothic
- not containing corny or overused images and animations (blood bars and such)
- place html fragment visible and complete on your site upon or soon after submission
- not be descriminate against race, sex, religion, etc...

HTML Fragment

This is the code you must place on your site. Your
site will not be considered until this is placed in a
visible area on your page. And don't forget to change
the YOUR ID with your ID and --name-- with your name etc.

<!---BEGIN FRAGMENT---> <center> <font face="trendexlightssk, arial" size=2> This <a href="">Dark Artists Webring</a> site owned by <a href="mailto:--mail--">--name--</a>. <p> <a href=""> <img src="" WIDTH=163 HEIGHT=277 BORDER=0></a><br><p> <a href=" ring=darkart;id=YOUR ID;prev">Previous</a>| <a href=" ring=darkart;id=YOUR ID;next">Next</a>| <a href=" ring=darkart;id=YOUR ID;skip">Skip</a>| <a href=" ring=darkart;id=YOUR ID;next5">Next 5 </a>| <a href=" ring=darkart;random">Random</a>| <a href=" ring=darkart;list">Index</a>| </FONT> </center> <!---END FRAGMENT--->

This is what it will look like on your page.
Text colour is at your own discretion.

This Dark Artists Webring site owned by --name--.

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If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail the Web Master and/or Mistress