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Atlanta Concert

From Laurie Beth

Hey! I went to the Hanson concert in Atlanta! It was so much fun! We got there kinda eairly and waited in the hot sun, until finally they opened the gates! We wanted to bring in our cameras so bad that we stuck then in our shorts and luckily got away with it!!! We had reserved seats so we did not need to rush out to find a good seat on the lawn like a lot of other people were doing! So we asked several people about the MOE cards! They all said that we would have gotten something in the mail if we were chosen. So we went to our seats and waited there for a while! Zac kept on walking by backstage, where everyone could see him, and was waving to the few people in the audience. After we sat there for a while we decided to get up and get a drink! On the way there, their was like 15 people crowded around a tall fence that went backstage, so we asked what was going on and they said that Hanson was coming out soon to talk to the people with backstage passes! (Too bad we didnt have them!!!) So we waited and soon eanough they came out! It was kinda hard to see so we stood on the air conditioning box! We were yelled at so many times, but no one really listened to them! That didnt last too long though because soon there was so many people there the fence fell over and Hanson disappeared again! We Finally went back to our seats and it all started. So, after Admiral Twin played (which was pretty good by the way!) Hanson was on! I couldn't barely hear myself it was so loud! But they played several songs and changed backgrounds a couple times! During one song they introduced all the back-up band members and then Tay played the drums! He was very good and Ike also played the keyboard, which was very good also! During the concert they brought up water balloons and super soakers! They sprayed the whole audience that was on the floor! It was really funny! So they finished the concert, but came back on for an encore. We left as soon as it was over and as we were pulling out we saw Hanson tour bus! We could not see them in it, but Walker was by the door and Avery was sitting on the counter opening the cabinet and Jessica was right next to her! The TV was also on in the back of it! I couldn't tell what show it was though! And I also looked for Mackie and Zoe but I didn't see them! They might have been asleep! But this was really a great concert and I had a ton of fun! We also got some really cute pics of them!By the way, I went with Paige (shopper90) and Katie (kates500).
