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Christmas At The Hanson House

1. Is Tulsa hot or cold at Christmas?

Zac: Well, every once in a while we get snow, but it's more like slush.

Tay: Yeah, then all of a sudden its warm. It's been boiling on Christmas day loads of times.

Zac: Its 85 degrees one day, then the next day it could be 15.

Ike: Hey guys, that's a little extreme, lets just say its generally quite cold!

2. Do you go sledding when it does snow?

All: Yeah!

Tay: We live on a really big hill, so we go sledding all the time, we have the really fast ones, plastic.

Zac: Unfortunately, we've split most of them in half!

Ike: Luckily we haven't broken any bones yet!

3. So what's for dinner at the Hanson House?

Tay: It's usually Christmas Eve when we have a proper dinner. We get together with all of our family, we have turkey and stuff.

Zac: But we don't have Christmas Pudding!

Ike: We do the whole traditional thing on Christmas Eve, then we have Christmas Day to do our stuff, you know, like concentrate on our presents!

4. What time do all of you get up on Christmas morning?

Zac: As early as possible!

Tay: (looking glum) Yeah, but our parents are always asleep for ages - until about 9. We have to wait until they come downstairs and all the family are there before we can pen our presents.

Ike: We have our gifts downstairs around the tree. But the thing is we're really good at sussing out our presents before Christmas Day.

Tay: Generally by the time Christmas comes we know every single thing we've been given!

Zac: We shake the boxes to find out!

5. Isn't it a bit crowded in your bedroom when you have all your new stuff?

Ike: Well our room is pretty small! It does get a bit squashed with all three of us, our toys, clothes and stuff in it.

Tay: We're going to have to think of a way of re-arranging our room because we haven't been home for about 3 months. We'll come back and it'll seem really small compared to our hotel rooms.

Zac: We're all squished in there - its full of Lego Castles!

6. What do you consider to be your best ever Christmas present?

Zac: Last year was the best year because.....

Tay: We asked for these huge remote control cars and a remote control motorcycle.

Ike: We got 5 remote control cars and they caused chaos. It was brilliant!

Things to beware of in the Hanson Household

--Tay stoking the fire!!!

"One time I was messing with the fire and I was trying to make the flames bigger, so I hit this log and this huge coal thing flew out onto the carpet! I was trying to get it off, but it burnt a huge hole!" - Tay

--Their Remote Controls Cars!!!

"We were playing with ours cars in a parking lot last year and the battery on mine died. It started rolling down a slope, then all of a sudden we saw this other remote control car coming out at top speed, and it just went crash!!!" - Ike.

--Lending them your Barbie Dolls!!!

"Last year we dressed a Barbie doll up as an angel and stuck her on top of the tree. It looked a bit painful for her, ha ha!" -Tay.

"Hey, it wasn't our Barbie doll you know, it was Avery's!" - Ike.

"We were like, 'Hey Avery, Merry Christmas go try and get your Barbie!' " - Zac.
