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1st Detroit Experience

From Jen

I went to the Detriot concert and here's what happened sorry that it's long!~ I live in Ohio, so the drive up the the concert took about 3 hours. My dad dropped us off at Pine Knob around 3 30, cuz we were told the gates open at 5 00. There were many people there. Then, all of a sudden, people started to walk towards the gates. And me and my 2 friends were at the front of this line people. The security people saw us and said, "We won't be able to hold these people back!!" Then we just started running. I had my friend hold our sign so i could run without holding the sign. I ran so fast and i got to the middle gate!! There was probably 6 gates total. And i was probably the 10th person there. Then, i heard some music. It was hanson doing soundcheck!! Everyone, and i mean everyone came charging to the gates, screaming. I told them to shut up cuz they're practicing and i wanna hear it! That didn't work, they wouldn't listen to me! Oh well. I then decided to get some merchandise cuz the stand was by the gates. I got a laminated pass (looks like a backstage pass, but it wasn't :( and people kept asking if it was, I wish!!) i got 2 shirts, Then i got a HUGE and i mean HUGE poster of them. I love it! The last thing was a tour book I got back to where my friends were and we waited til 5 00. Then security told us we had to wait til 6 00! They also said we were the rowdiest crowd they have seen! Girls would scream if they saw someone walk by, but u know what the funny thing is?? I saw Avery and Jessica walking with a woman (Not Diana) and no one screamed. They screamed afterwards when word got around it was them, It was definetly them cuz Jessica turned around to look at the fans and i reconized her face! Finally, they let us in at 5 55. We were one of the first people to get in, but there were in two lines before, but we had to merge into one, that was hard! I was getting crushed cuz everyone behind me was pushing me forward. We all ran up the steps and my friend got a great spot for us on the lawn, front and center!! :o) It was a perfect view of the stage. Anyway, around 7 15 Walker had a video camera and started to tape the crowd. He had the camera on the people on the lawn for a while. We held up our sign and hopefully we got on camera. At 7 30 Admiral Twins came on and performed. They're a pretty good band, i would buy their cd. They performed for 25 minutes. Then they got off. Around 8 30, we heard the beginning of Gimme some Lovin, and this curtain falls and there's hanson!! That was pretty cool how they did that! Here's what they played, i think this is in order~

1.Gimme Some Lovin/Shake your tail feather

2. Thinking of You

3. Where's the Love

4. River

5. Weird

Changed sets, it looked like a living room. Kewl!

6. Stories

7. Sometimes

8. With u in your dreams~ That sounded great! I'm so happy they played that!!

9. Madeline

10. Soldier

11. More than Anything~Isaac was all alone on stage, and he played the keyboard. He has such a great voice, he should really have more solos!!

12. Speechless

13. introduced the backup band by playing an instrumental song. This is when Taylor took over for Zac on the drums. I thought that was cool he was playing the drums for a little bit. Zac was just running on stage squirting people with a water gun!

14. Good Love (cover) I think that's the title

15.I will come to u

16. A minute without u (they dedicated this song to the people in the lawn, yeah!)

17. "money" another cover song, this song is cool!

18. MMMBop

19. Man from Milwaukee

They went off stage and everyone was chanting hanson, hanson! So they came back on for an encore and sang the following songs~

20. Look at U~this was at a faster tempo and was longer. I think it sounded better that way

21. Summertime Blues~Isaac did this part when he talked really low!

And at the end, Isaac went on Zac's drum set platform, jumped off and landed on his knees still playing

22. Weird Acapella

Then the concert was over :o( We went to the parking lot to find my dad and we did. Then we saw a limo and a bus. I assumed it was their tour bus, so we got out of the car and ran towards it. I took a pic and my friend saw a hand come out of the bus!! She said that the hand had a silver ring on it, possibly Isaac's?? We got back to the car and were on the highway. We noticed the bus a couple hundred feet in front of us. We decided to follow it, to see where it was going. There were a lot of cars surrounding it! The driver of the bus was going so fast, trying to lose the cars. He did lose most of them when he went off this exit. We were behind it, so we followed it. We thought it would go to a hotel or stop, but it never did. So after a while we turned around and went back to the hotel to get some sleep. This had to be the best day in my life!!
