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Hershey Park Experience

From Jen

OK we had to go to Delaware first because it was my 2nd cousins First B-day Party. At 6:00 we left Delaware expecting a 1 and a half hour drive to Hershey Pennsylvania. WELL at 7:30 We were STILL AN HOUR AWAY:( And The concert starts at 8:00. So we got there at 8:30. Parked at least a mile away. me and my friend left my parents, and RAN the whooole way..Meanwhile people are staring at us, wearing our hanson shirts, Button, and tatoo, PLUS carrying a sign that said /~\@YW!RE 4 /~\@/\/$0/\/. We were almost there when we heard THE LOUDEST SCREAMING in the whoooole world. We thought we missed Hanson coming out..We didn't it was just stupid girls screaming A LOT everytime a song was over. (Coming from a CD) Sheesh. OK we got there Having Section 2 Row BB Seats. Just let me tell you those are the WORST seats. They were on the bleachers so it wasn't facing the stage. BUT when we got there at 8:30 (yes we missed the opening band, But hey it wasn't Hanons so Who cares?!) I walked RIGHT Through Security. YES I walked right through, no one said anything. They stoped my friend though..(But at that point I didn't care because I was 5 rows away from the stage!) She got through though because a whole bunch of people started asking questions. This guy who wrote reviews was there by himself in the 5th row, and there was an empty seat next to him. So We sat there. Lisa (My friend) was sitting on him with her arm around his neck practically. I had the extra chair, half sharing it with her. WE WERE HAPPY. Until this not nice woman, who was about 40 came over and goes thats my seat. URGGGH. She was by herself no kids or anything, and asked me why I was so excited( At that point I was just smiling a lot, not screaming.) I said because IT' S HANSON! She was like SO? DUH? She told the security gaurds, but we still didn't move cuz the guy...(He was 21 by the way) Let me borrow his TICKET. So I could go tell my parents where we were!!! We ended up 10 rows away (On Ike and Zacs side) They played and about every song we moved up one row. Towards the end we WERE IN THE SECOND ROW!!! First IKE Squirted us with his water gun, then TAYLOR, and then Zac threw a water balloon...which hit me and lisa!!! Taylor walked over and reached out...If I wasn't stupid, I could have reached out and touched him too...BUT I DIDN'T. I wouldn't normally say this, but I KNOW TAYLOR SAW ME...Because: (You know how he says COME ON a lot? And does the little Hand thingie?) Well I did that...And then He did it, ANd then I did it again and he did it again, and I Did it again and HE DID IT again...meanwhile he was it was cool. They sang With You In Your Dreams. Which they normally don't sing at concerts, and I know why because taylor was crying a bit.. OOOOHHH HOW CUTE!!! Everyone was quite...and that was my favorite part. I'm so glad they decided to sing that!!!

After the concert, I got the tour shirt, the tour book, and that thing that goes around your neck. Oh YEAH and that huge poster which is almost as tall as me!!!

We didn't get to the Hotel Until 1:30. There was soooo much grid lock. It was sooo awsome. We didn't see Hanson at the Hotel. But I heard little kidss screaming at about 7:30 so I woke up, looked outside the door, and I saw HANSONS MOM asking someone if they wanted to go out to breakfast at Friendlys b4 everyone woke up!!! (Meaning the fans I am asuming) I Tried getting everyone up and out to Friendly's but it didn't work. OH WELL:(
