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Chapters 6-10

Chapter Six

"Okay, Mr. Hanson, tell me what I can do to help you," Detective O. was settled back behind his desk and he leaned back in his chair, letting his chubby belly pop out over the edge of his pants.

"Well, Johnny over here has been having some problems with his father. He hits him....him AND his mother. It's been going on for..." Walker turned and whispered to Johnny, " long Johnny?"

"Uh...I'm not sure, six months maybe," Johnny looked down at his shoes and stared at the floor while he responded to Walker's question.

"About six months." Walker continued. He finished telling the Detective what Johnny told them in the car on the way over, and then told Johnny to take over.

"Well, I don't really know why he does it. I come home late sometimes, he gets mad when that happens. He's not really home that much, me and my mom hang out and do stuff. Then I met you guys." he looked at Taylor, smiled, and continued. "It was really cool when Dan introduced us, 'cause then I got to hear a cool band, and be around a real family. I want that, but I can't leave, and my mom, she can't either. He'd find us, I just know it," Johnny finished telling the whole story, then glanced up from looking at the floor, to find a quite odd look on Detective O.'s face.

"Johnny, if we don't have any proof of him doing this, then, I'm really sorry to say, we just cannot do anything about it. We need solid proof and evidence...that's what the system counts on and relies on. Without that, we have nothing. Absolutely nothing." Detective O. explained the rules to Johnny who grew more and more somber looking with each grueling word.

"Wait, there IS proof," Taylor reminded Johnny.

"What?" Johnny wrinkled his face and looked at Taylor. "The him the bruises," Taylor urged him on. Johnny stood up shyly, then slowly started pulling up his green shirt, the new one that Taylor had given him, and revealed his skinny, bony frame.

"Now what have we got there?" asked the Detective, aiming the question towards Johnny as he sat up and moved forward in his leather chair, examining the five or six black and blue spots on Johnny's back.

"I didn't come home on time, this is what happened. He took this heavy brick and threw it at me a couple of times. Then he got me from behind with a metal chair," Johnny wanted to cry, but held it in, for he was in front of people he didn't know too well. He continued, "I tried to get away, but I couldn't, I just couldn't. Then, he calls this guy, I think he might work for him, but I'm not sure. He calls this guy, and then leaves. He just leaves me there. I thank God that my mom wasn't home. She was out getting me some milk." Johnny had developed a few tears in his eyes.

"Ok, Johnny, this is a start. This is the kind of evidence we need. Do you have any idea who this guy is? Any idea at all?" Detective O. stood up, making his way towards Johnny.

"Well, I think I saw him once. He was in real good shape. He was sorta tall, but not fat. I just know that he and my dad go off somewhere almost every night," Johnny bit his lip.

"Alright, I want you guys to go home. Take Johnny with you, let him stay the night there. I'm gonna do some paperwork, and take care of some things, then I'll stop by later in the day. Is that alright with you, Mr. and Mrs. Hanson?" Detective O. asked now heading towards the door.

"Yes, please, stop by as soon as you can. Johnny can definitely stay with us," Diana told the detective with a warm smile. They left the small room and the police station altogether. The got in the car, buckled their seatbelts, and started on their twenty minute car ride back home. Nobody spoke until they got home and Zac bounded out the front door, all the way to the car to find out what happened.

Chapter Seven

"So what's going on guys?" Zac gave each of them a look as he noticed the drab look on all of their faces.

"Just wait, Zac, we'll explain everything when we get inside. Hold your horses," Walker told his son, motioning for him to go back into the house the way he came out. After they all trudged their way in, the living room was full as Walker explained to all of his kids, who were spread out all over on chairs and the sofa, how Johnny would be staying with them for that night, possibly even longer. He would be staying with Isaac, Taylor, and Zac, in their room, on a homade bed with a mattress and blankets. All the kids nodded, none of them felt brave enough to ask their father why, so none of them knew, except Isaac and Zac, who were already told why, and Mackie, who wasn't old enough to really care or understand. He just sat their fidgeting around on his mother's lap wondering why he couldn't be off somewhere playing with his drums.

"Walker, what about my father? He's gonna wonder why I'm not home. And my mom, I can't just leave her there. He'll probably take it out on her. I can't let that happen," Johnny grew whiny.

"Hopefully that won't happen tonight. All we can do is hope and pray, honey," Diana looked at him sympathetically. Johnny just looked down, nodded, and then got up to follow the boys, who were now heading up to the next floor. They followed the oh-so-familiar path to the brothers' bedroom and plopped down on their beds, Johnny sitting next to Zac on his trundle bed, waiting for Diana to bring him the mattress and blankets. He already had a pillow, which Isaac threw down at him.

"Hey, what'dya do that for?" Johnny turned and looked up at Isaac.

"Oh, I don't know. We haven't had that PILLOW FIGHT in a long time!!" Isaac yelled down at him, laughing and getting louder with each word. With that, Zac grabbed all three of his pillows and started beating up on Taylor, who didn't expect it.

"Hey Zac, now it's MY turn!" Taylor squeaked out. He started throwing pillows at Zac right and left, the same way Zac had done to him seconds before. Now, everyone was entered into the pillow fight, pillows flying everywhere. At that moment, Diana turned to enter the room, carrying the mattress, which she had to look around because it got in the way of her sight. As she put the mattress down, unaware of what was happening, a pillow hit her smack dab in the face.

"Ummmph!" came the muffled noise. "Alright, who did that," Diana didn't look very happy, which caused everyone to sit still and look at her with big eyes. She picked up the pillow that hit her. "Zac, give me those pillows." she ordered him. While he bent down to reach the other three pillows that were near him, Diana flung the pillow she was holding, at him. The pillow fight lasted for about five minutes before everyone was exhausted. The pillows were returned to their respective owners, and everyone lay down on their cool mattresses, thinking about the day.

After a half an hour went by, and the clock told Zac it was 10:41, he looked up, but couldn't see Isaac, the top bunk bed was in the way. He figured he was sound asleep. Zac's eyes went from high to low as he turned over on his side to check on Taylor. Taylor was staring up at the ceiling, or the bottom of his brother's bed above him, with his arms crossed like a pretzel behind his head, supporting it. Zac didn't notice, he thought Taylor was sleeping. Then, he turned and looked at Johnny, who was about four feet away on his mattress, alittle higher up then Zac. Johnny was in a deep sleep, snoring softly.

"Why?" Zac thought. "Why would somebody do that to someone else? Why would a father do that to his son? That's definitely NOT cool." Zac then decided it was time for him to go to sleep. He laid there for a moment, then his eyes closed, putting him in a nice, much-needed sleep.

Chapter Eight

"Good morning Johnny. How'd you sleep?" Diana took a sip out of the Animaniac's coffee mug Zac had given her for Christmas, then set it back down on the table, picking up the Tulsa World article she was reading.

"Fine, thank you for letting me stay here," Johnny was now wide awake. "Where's Walker?"

"Oh, he went out to get some donuts. He should be back shortly," she answered with a glance up at the clock above her, noticing it was 8:30. "Are the boys up?"

"Yeah, I accidentally tripped over a little drum set. The cymbals crashed together and everybody woke up. Oops," Johnny let out a laugh, then closed his mouth noticing that Taylor and Isaac were making their way down the stairs.

"Morning boys," Diana greeted her sons. They silently trudged over to the table and plopped down on the chairs. Taylor anxiously tapped the table, wondering where breakfast was, while Isaac sat with face in his hands, elbows on the table. "Where's Zac?"

"He's comin'," Isaac groggily grumbled, not moving. His stomach growled causing everyone at the table to laugh. "Where ARE those donuts?" Isaac wondered, remembering that his father had promised them to him the night before.

"Hey guys...good MORNING!" Zac was cheerful as ever. Taylor and Isaac looked at each other wondering how in the world Zac could be so awake right away.

"Alright, we got donuts!" Walker called from the other room, shutting the door behind him. There was a mad rush for the entryway, for that is where Walker had made the mistake of yelling out the word 'donuts' to four hungry guys.

The Hanson family and Johnny finished their breakfast, got dressed, and made their plans for the day. The concert the 'Hanson Brother's' were doing at the mall was coming up in a week, so today, being a Thursday, was practice day. Johnny opted to listen to their practice, with his big interest in their music and all. They decided to practice early, remembering how Detective O. would be by early in the afternoon to talk to Johnny and Mr. and Mrs. Hanson.


"Jessie, get the door, will ya," Walker told the eight year old while coming down the stairs. Jessie obediently went and answered the door, ahead of her father. She opened the door to find a man who looked like Mr. Potato Head. Jessie just stood there, studying this roly-poly man.

"Jessie, don't just stand there, silly, let Detective O. in," Walker stepped down off the last step and walked over to shake his hand.

"Sorry dad," Jessie yelled as she moved out of the way and sprinted out of the room.

"Hi Walker," Detective O. addressed Mr. Hanson.

"Hey, glad you came early. Got any news for us?" Walker asked as lead the way into the kitchen where Diana was.

"Well, not much so far. As I said before, the bruises are evidence, but not much because we can't prove who they came from. We need more. Some major evidence. I'm going to take some pictures of Johnny's back, and take those in. We're gonna see what else we can do," the Detective explained. "Now where's Johnny?"

"Right here Detective," Johnny shyly spoke up from the doorway in which he was listening. They motioned for him to come over. Johnny plopped down on the nearest chair, but stood up immediately as the Detective asked him to remove his shirt so he could take the photographs. Johnny did as he asked, hoping anything would work. After alittle more conversation about Detective O. doing the best he can, they agreed to have the Detective call the Hanson's the next day, or as soon as he got new information.

"Alright, thanks Detective. Please, call us as soon as you hear something," Diana told the stubby man as he walked out the door and out to his brown Cadillac which was parked in front of the house on the street.

Chapter Nine

Six days later, the 'Hanson Brothers' were in the garage, Johnny included, making sure their last practice before the concert was perfect. They has successfully completed the songs 'Thinking Of You', 'Man From Milwaukee', and 'MMMBop', along with an old favorite, 'Rockin' Robin'.

"Alright guys, I think we're ready. Mom and dad said we would play al three songs. I think they sound pretty good," Isaac spoke as he sat down on a nearby stool, guitar in hand.

"Yeah, I think we're definitely ready. We're gonna pack this place," Taylor responded confidently.

"No doubt. You guys are really sounding awesome. Better even then when I first heard you," Johnny joined in, complimenting the brothers.

"Let's go in, I need to go to the bathroom!" Zac took off running into the house, not bothering to shut the door. Taylor and Isaac unplugged their instruments, putting them away neatly for carriage. Then they all followed suit as they raced in behind Zac. Johnny was the last one in, shutting the door quite loudly behind him.

The three guys hopped into the kitchen, talking all the while, when they stopped dead in their tracks. Walker was sitting at the table, phone next to his left ear, while Diana was waving at the kids as if telling them to be quiet.

"What's going on?" Isaac whispered. Diana paused for a moment before speaking.

"Johnny's father is on the phone. He found out where he is," She whispered back at the same level Isaac did. This caused Johnny to freak out. He backed up until he hit the wall, then turned and ran out of the room.

"NO! No, he's fine here. You stay where you are, Johnny's staying here with us!" Walker's voice carried rather quite loudly, which shifted everyone's gaze from the doorway Johnny had just exited from, to where Walker was seated. With that last comment, Walker harshly put the phone back in its cradle, and stood up. He slowly strutted over to Diana and the kids to tell them exactly what was going on, for he understood nobody knew just by hearing his side of the conversation.

"He found a telephone number in Johnny's room. He called it, when we weren't home, got the answering machine, and found out who we were. He called back, and said he was coming over to get Johnny. I told him that he was staying here. I'm gonna call Detective O.," Walker told them the whole story, placing his hand on his wife's shoulder. "You guys go find Johnny," he finished telling the older half of his family as he picked up the phone again. They exited the room and Walker extended his pointer finger to dial the seven-digit number. After three rings, the familiar voice answered.

"Detective O., hi. This is Walker Hanson. I just received a phone call from Johnny's father. He said he was coming over to get Johnny, but I told him he was staying here. .... You mean there's nothing? So what're we gonna do? .... But I can't do that, I have a conscience. .... How do you KNOW he won't beat him again? .... So that's it, I just have to send him home?"

Zac stood there, in awe, not knowing quite what to do. He stayed behind, listening from around the kitchen corner that was next to the stairs which led up to their room. He gasped out loud at the thought of Johnny having to go back home. "No way, I gotta tell Johnny," his brain told him as he turned around and flew up the stairs, taking them two steps at a time.

Walker finished the conversation, "Fine, but after the next time, you tell him he has to go home. .... Alright .... thanks .... bye," Walker was not at all pleased by having to send Johnny home. By law, he had no right's whatsoever to keep Johnny at his house, especially without his father's permission. He turned and left the room the same way Zac had, and made his way up the stairs, alittle more slowly then Zac, to tell the rest of the worried people the news.

"Johnny, my dad was talking to Detective O., and he said that you have to go home. That's all I..." Zac was breathing alittle more deeply from his sprint up the stairs, but he started to tell Johnny the rotten news from what he overheard of the phone conversation. Walker interrupted him as he entered the room.

"Zac, let me explain. Johnny," Walker now directed his speech towards Johnny. "Johnny, I'm very sorry, but there is no way you can stay with us anymore. Your father wants you home and there is nothing we can do to keep you here. Detective O. hasn't any different news from when we last talked to him, and there really is no hope without further proof. We just have to cross our fingers, praying that he slips up." Walker finished that last sentence right before the doorbell rang. He knew Jessie was downstairs to answer it, so he continued, thinking it might be one of her friends. "I know how serious this is, and we believe you, but I'm afraid we have to send you home now," Walker finished, Johnny staring into the ground, shifting around the whole time.

"Dad! There's some guy at the door for you!" Jessie screamed, hoping her voice would travel all the way to her brothers' room. Walker left the room, and walked to the door, only to get a disgusted look on his face from who was there.

Chapter Ten

"I'm Johnny's father. Where is he?" the tall man who seemed medium built asked before Walker even reached the door. Walker finished coming down the stairs and was about to tell him to leave when he remembered what Detective O. told him.

Then he spoke softly and annoyed, "He's upstairs with the kids." The man barged into the Hanson's house, marched up the stairs and walked until he heard noise. He finally hit a room with people in it and halted in his tracks.

"You can come over anytime you want, Johnny. Don't worry, just come on over," Taylor's deep voice was speaking.

"Thanks guys, I will. Let me know when your concert is. I definitely want to be there," Johnny was as cheery as he could get, knowing the consequences he would face when he got home. Suddenly, they all whipped their heads around towards the door. A man with a nice black suit on, and dark hair with gray around the edges near his ears stormed into the room and was now yelling at Johnny.

"Johnny... just what do you think you're doing? Huh? You're coming with me, mister, and we're going home. Have you been here all this time? What's this all about?" the man spoke, obviously very unhappy. Taylor noticed his name-tag, which read -- Crandon Stewart.

"Dad, what are you doing here? I was just coming home. I was staying with my friends for awhile. They were helping me with that... um... thing, I mean project I have to do for school," Johnny hoped he covered up the fact that he was lying. Crandon looked around and noticed the scared look on everyone's face's, then walked over to Johnny and started prying him off the bed he had been sitting on.

"We're leaving... go get in the car," Crandon told his son, knowing what would happen if he tried anything. Johnny managed a short little wave to his friends, then was forced out the door by the older, stronger man. They practically sprinted down the stairs, almost knocking Walker out of his socks.

"Wait, we need to talk...!" Walker yelled after him. They didn't stop until they were both buckled up inside the fancy porshe. "Johnny, wait!" Walker still pleaded. But the car roared and they pulled out into the wide street. Walker and Diana, who had come down the stairs to find out what was going on, watched them drive away, then they both turned around and closed the big front door.

Without saying a word, they trudged up the fourteen stairs and found their way back into Isaac, Taylor, and Zac's room. The three boys were still in there, just laying down, not knowing quite what to do. Taylor sat up, hearing his parents come in.

"How can we go on living our normal lives... when we know what's happening to Johnny? I can't do that. And I can't pretend nothing ever happened either," Taylor whined, knowing none of it would do any good.

"Taylor, honey, none of us can do anything about it. Just make sure that next week you invite Johnny to your concert. Save him a special seat or something. Make sure he knows you guys are still his friends," Diana comforted her son. Zac sat there, still as ever. He wanted to believe his mother, but his brain told him he had to agree with Taylor on this one.

"Alright, mom. We'll try, but if he does anything to him..." Isaac's voice trailed off. Everyone knew what he was going to say anyway. They sat there is silence for a moment before Diana and Walker left. Then Isaac got up and popped a CD in the three disk changer. Before long, the sounds of 'MMMBop' filled the large room.

"Hey, MMMBop always cheers me up!" he answered the un-asked question of why he put in that song. Taylor and Zac looked at each other, then burst out laughing.

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