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Medowlands Experience

From Jen

The Friday before the concert, I still did not have tickets. My dad told me the only way I could go see Hanson again is if I won tickets. I did not think I was going. But on that Friday, 95.5 (WPLJ) held a contest. Alls you had to do was call them, and tell them what you were doing right now. Well my mom was making macaroni salad. She called, and told them that. Yes she told them she was making macaroni salad!!! 1 hour later, around 10 pm. My phone rang. It was WPLJ. OH MY GOD. They just told me my mom won. I won tickets to go see Hanson again at the Medowlands. I couldn't of been happier. We had an earlier start this time then last. This drive was only 45 minutes away. So that was a good thing. We got to the Contenental Arena at 6:00. Soon after that the 95.5 Van pulled up. I got my tickets. They were section 101 Directly accross from the stage. Just a little high up. They were pretty good seats actually. My friend (Lisa) and I went to our seats sec 101 row 14 seats 17 + 18. The previous night we had made GIANT MOE CARDS. My cousin helped me with it, since I am not artistically talented) We did it on Black poster board...(Well you know how the card looks) So...We were just sitting there, we knew we had a wait ahead of us, but that was OK. All of a sudden, these 2 people came up to us...They asked us if we had MOE...we looked at each other, and were like YEAH!!! So they asked to see the cards, and the girl said well they look real to me, don't you think? and they guy said Yup..Here ya go. He gave us MOE stickers to get backstage to meet they guys. AAAAAAAHHHHH. What are the odds? 10: 27,000. YES I WAS ONE OF THE 10 People they picked for MOE. OH MY GOD. At 8:00 we finally got to go back. I was one of the first to go in..(But all 10 MOE members go in at the same time) Ike said "Taylor come over here" and then I was just like woah. It was Hanson. I didn't freak out or anything. So I was just standing there, I didn't want to mob the guys or anything. But Zac was like..."You can come closer..." Come iiiiinn..Making this funny motion to get us to come. And then Taylor joined in. I shook Taylors hand first because he was right there, wearing a magenta shirt and really big shoes. We asked him to sign our CD Covers...(I got my Imported Where's the Love Single Signed.) And the security guard said No Autographs. And Taylor must of given him the nastiest look in the whole world..and he said "These are MOE girls. They are Special." and let out the most cute smile right at me!!! So he signed it. Mostly all of the girls were talking to him. So I went over to Zac. He is TALLER THEN ME!!!! So Lisa told him that. But I said he just had really big shoes on, and he said that that was a very good point. We asked him to take a picture with him or just of him...and he was like..."weeeelll, we're really not supposed to...(AS HE REACHED OUT AND GRABBED THE CAMERA From My Friend) and then he stuck it to his face....and took a picture of his I don't think it is going to come out, but He touched my camera!!! Then I asked him to sign my CD...He said sure, but I didn't have a pen.. So I said, "and that would be a bad thing" Zac was like your telling me!!!" So then I dunno where he got it from..but he got a marker, so I said wow magic, and he was like yes thank you thank you . After that, I noticed Ike was standing only with one girl..So I went over there, and got him to sign my CD Cover. He is really really sweet. *and really tall* I talked to him for a bit, and then this girl wanted an autograph..But she didn't have a pen, so Isaac asked if he could borrow my pen. I said "No..." (JOKINGLY) and Ike was like...hahaha, But then I said Of COURSE You can borrow it! He said thanx. then gave it back to me. 2 minutes later someone taped me on the was ike!! "Can I please borrrow that pen? So I gave it to him...and then a few minutes later...he goes..."Hey Jen...Can I borrow your pen....AGAIN?" lol he borrowed my pen 3 times!!!! And called me by Name!! WAHOOO. He thought I was funny (He told me So later on cuz the whole time we were just joking back and forth) Then we took a big group shot...Ike, Tay, and Zac and the 10 MOE winners. Their arms weren't AROUND AROUND Me...but I was touching Taylors back and Ikes back as well. And the same thing goes for them!!! They were touching MY back. Lisa was next to Ike, I was next to her, (But Ike has really long arms so he reached around her and half of me) And then there was a girl and then Taylor. But he Has really long arms as well:) After the pic Ike said to me "It's like a machine gun firing...only its CAMERAS!!!" LOL he is FUNNY. Just before we had to leave...Everyone hurried out..except me and my friend, and shook their hands goodbye. Taylors last..I was wearing two rings, so when he shook my hand...They like crunched together, and taylor was like oh my god I am soo sorry are you ok? You gotta watch them rings!!! And then gave me the sweetest look in the whole world..Meantime he was STILL HOLINDING MY HAND!!!! I think there were sparks!!!! Well at least I hope anyways. But he did shake my hand for 2 mintutes...OH MY GOD...WAHOOOOOOO. Ok we missed admiral twins again. Because we were backstage. But that was ok once again. We could still hear them this time. And the concert was GREAT... I really got to enjoy it this time...I mean like the WORDS AND STUFF, cuz I wasn't screaming my head off. Maybe because I had just met them...and that I realize they are NORMAL teenage boys....But I still love em' I promise that the above is 100 percent absolutly true.I have their autograph and pics to proove it!!! August 24, 1998 was THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE:)
