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Tulsa encounters

Sent in by Molly

I live in Tulsa so it's not like THAT big of a thing to see Hanson back here ya know just like at the mall or whatever, but still...its a big thing. Well at about somewhere between spring break and the beginning of the summer I was with my sister and two guy friends at the new movie theater they added to Prominade mall. We were seeing Godzilla. Well...the movie was over and we were waiting for everyone to clear out so we wouldnt like have to shove through everyone. So we were just talkin' and my sister sees someone and says to me "Hey,haha..that kid looks like Hanson." sister says that anytime she sees a blonde haired kid with about that length of hair, so I didn't think much of it, but I looked...and the kid was climbing over the seats! haha..."Yeah, he does.." then I look a little better and I realize it is..and i said "That IS Hanson!" It was Zac...of corse...he WOULD be climbing over seats, wouldnt he? Then I look over and see Isaac and Taylor sitting with their friends...girls..*ugly* girls. *ugly, nasty, scary looking* girls. (no offense, but they were) All 4 of us just stood awe. I didn't know what to say or do...then the guard (musta known hanson was there) told us to c'mon and leave. It was just us 4 in the theater...with hanson! so we left..and that was that. DARNIT! STUPID GUARD!

The next was a looong time ago...I dont member much. It was sometime maybe in 95 or 94 i dont know...But it was in Eastland mall...we came in and heard music...just me, my sister, and mom. and we went to see what it was (cuz there's hardly ever a band on the stage on the lower level which is where the food court is) well it kinda sounded like girls (honestly...theyre my fav band, but did sound a little girlie back when) and we were right above them and looked over the balcony..we just looked down on them and we were asking eachother "are they girls or boys?" i mean...they had chin-length hair and had kinda girlish voices..i must admit..but they dont anymore. so i (being just the way i am) went down the figure it out. there weren't very many people there..and i walked right in front of them..and i decided..they were definitly boys! and hot ones at that! when i really think hard about it...i can remember it like it was yesterday..i dont remember what song they were singing..but we definitly stayed to hear them play some more..just above them..looking down at the tops of their heads..then left to go shop!
