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Paramount Canada's Wonderland

From Alex

On Aug 16 and 17, I met hanson. They were performing at Paramount Canada's Wonderland and after the show, they went on rides. They went on a ride called "The Exetreme SkyFlyer" (which is basically like bungy jumping) I was going on the ride too. (Not with them, I was after them)

Before the ride, they suit you up. So, when I was getting the harness put on, Hanson was beside me, getting theirs on 'cause they were going before me. I looked beside me and I said wow, it's Hanson. Tay replied "yeah, I can't believe I am doing this" I said "yeah, I know" Zac said (or yelled, I guess you could say) " Yeah man, WE ARE CRAZY!!!"

They went on the ride (on the home video "Tulsa, Tokyo, and the Middle of Nowhere" they showed them getting suited up and I am in it!) When they were taking off their harnesses, they said "Good Luck" and then I went on the ride. I came off and they were just getting ready to leave. I said goodbye and Tay asked if I was coming to the interview at MuchMusic. I said "when?" and they said it was being taped at around 1:00 pm. I went.

The next day, I ws there at 6:00 AM! I waited around, 'cause I really wanted to get in the building. I got in and then they came in. They did their interview,(next was the autograph signing)then they would leave to go to the airport to fly to New York, Tay said "You came" and I said "yeah, I wouldn't miss it" At that point, I admitted to him that I thought he was gorgeous and he said "Thank You" But I added..."The music is AWESOME also. He said that he was happy that they had so many fans out there that supported them. I got their autograph along with the 20 other people who were let in for the interview (everyone else had to wait outside) I got my picture taken with all of them. Isaac thanked me for buying the album and Zac said "For going on that ride yesterday, you are crazy like us" We all laughed. Then they left. I will remember that weekend for the REST OF MY LIFE!!!!!!
