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West Palm Beach Florida Experience

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Okay, well I totally love Hanson even more, which I didn't think was possible. And Admiral Twin too! I love John Russell!!!! Okay, well here is my review: We finally got to West Palm Beach after getting lost and ending up in The next county, and then I went to my friends house for awhile, then we were off to Coral Sky! We walked around trying to find a scalper, because my friend didn't have a ticket. Well, after looking around for awhile, I went up to a cop (dumb thing to do, I know) but I asked him if he knew where I could get a ticket for my friend. He said he had some!! So I asked how much and he just gave me a ticket and smiled. He said I didn't have to pay him because another cop had caught a scalper on the property and they took the tickets from them, so Kyle got to get in free! So anyways, we went to go to the gate, and they were checking bags. I had my camera, so I gave it to Kyle to put in his pocket because I was wearing tight jeans so it would have shown. Anyways, so we got past that guard. When we finally got inside the amphitheater, we realized Kyle had a lawn seat. Well, I had a section 2 ticket, so I couldn't just leave him, but I wasn't going to sit in the lawn! So I snuck him in (He's almost 6 foot, this was really hard!!) And so we went and got our seats. Admiral Twin came on a little later, and they were soooo awesome!! I'm like in love with John, and we were 12 rows back from the stage- right in front of him!! I was soo psyched!! So I tried getting a picture of him, and of course I looked for guards and stuff first, but this lady comes running up to me and starts telling me off!! I was like, whoa, wait a sec! She told me to give me my batteries, which was okay with me because I had extra in my pocket. I couldn't find the button, so I asked her to shine her flashlight on the camera, and I pushed the wrong button and the film came out! So anyways I gave her my batteries, and then she was like, where's your film!! I was like, I don't know it must have dropped!! (like kinda sarcastically, but it really had) so she told me that if I didn't find it I was OUT!! I said, what in the lawn seats?? And she goes, NO OUT OF THE AMPHITHEATER really loud. So I looked for like 10 minutes and she was getting so mad it was almost funny. She starts going through all my stuff and the people in front of us too! *Its that like illegal or something?* So anyways, there was this really cute guard about 19 in the isle, so I shot him a look like, help me out here!:) And he came over and told her he would take care of it, and that there was 4 girls with a camera way in front of us. So she left and he was like, watch out for her, she's crabby. (Like I couldn't tell?) So I was like Thank you sooo much! And I hugged him. Anyways, The whole concert was awesome. Tay said kinda towards the end that we should all go to the merchandise counter because they knew who the 10 people were that could go backstage. So I went over there and I ended up asking like 5 people, and no one knew what I was talking about. So I went around asking every security guard or police I could find. And 2 people were like, they already left, they went in the helicopter. I was like, No they didn't. She was like yeah they did. So I said, Maam, they are still on the stage singing. And I left. They think you a dumb just because you like Hanson or something! Anyways, I'm sorry this was so long, but I just have to tell you this one last thing. I had to use the restroom after the concert, and when I came out, guess who was right there!! JOHN!!! So I ran up and I asked if I could have his autograph and started talking to him for awhile. He signed my backpack and he hugged me twice!! (That just totally made my life!) So the rest of the band came out and there was a swell of people there in like 2 seconds. I got the rest of the bands sig's and a hug from Jarrod and Brad, and a handshake from all, and I was about to leave because all the guards were yelling at all of us to get out, and I went to say bye to John, and he signed my arm and hugged me again and said bye nick!:) I was sooo happy!! (My name is Nikki, so... well ya know) So we left to go out by Salsbury road to get picked up, and we met these 5 girls that got to go back stage! They were crying and stuff, but it was soo cool!! (It would have been nicer if that lady wasn't there though, she was SO mean!!) Okay, well I'm really sorry this was so long, but there was still tons more stuff that happened, and I just got home so I'm still really hyper!! BuHbYe!! PS If anyone went to the Coral Sky concert and got good pics, please email me!! TAYnks! :) Peace Love and Bullet Proof Marshmallows!!
