Chapter One
Madilynn picked up her laptop from her nightstand and placed it on her lap. She commanded her laptop to sign onto the internet. While it hummed quietly, she placed it onto the light blue down comforter next to her. She turned to prop up her daisy yellow pillows up against her mahogany sleigh bed head board, climbed under her covers, and made herself comfortable. She put the laptop back on her lap, and got to work checking her email. MSN, AIM, Yahoo, and her favorite, After logging in, she grinned at the screen. Her friend Brianna must have emailed her back, finally! Expanding the window, she saw it wasn't after all, Brianna. She didn't recognize the address. She looked up at the wall across from where she was sitting. She had to smile at her most prized possession. A 16x20 matted, framed, and autographed poster of Hanson. They were standing against a black background, Taylor in front, Zac and Isaac on either side of him. Isaac in jeans, white button down shirt and a black sport coat, Taylor in jeans and a white form fitting long sleeved half button down shirt, and Zac, jeans and a white t-shirt. Remembering how she had gotten it made her smile even more. Looking back at her computer, she opened the email and began to read.
I requested you as a friend on your myspace.
Maybe we could talk sometime. I saw you at
the concert in Vegas, and I'd like to get to
know you better.
And that was it. No name or anything. Curious, she went straight to myspace. Just three weeks before, she had gone to Las Vegas and attended a concert by her favorite band, Hanson. The concert was just the second to last event on the best day of her life list. As the computer worked, her mind drifted back to that wonderful day. She had met up with a couple friends, had made their way to the venue, taken pictures, and hung around, waiting to the 'The Walk'. After walking a mile barefoot on the strip next to Hanson, taking pictures along the way, they met up with more people, the group for the meet and greet. After more pictures, they waited anxiously to meet their dreams. For what was an hour and a half of sweet torment, they were allowed in, meet and shook hands with Hanson, got their possessions autographed, then had a group picture. Five minutes flew by. From there, they were quickly ushered out by security to the stairs leading down to the lower level, and the stage. From her front and center position, she enjoyed and unfortunately cut short concert. After, she hung out with fellow fans until returning to her hotel room at one thirty in the morning. She stayed awake with her roommate, talking about the events of they day until they could no longer finish coherant sentences at four thirty in the morning. Five hours later, they parted ways.
Looking at her page on myspace, she saw she indeed had a new message and friend request. Clicking on the friend request, she saw a picture of her celebrity crush, Taylor Hanson. Thinking of it as another fan page, she added it instantly, not even bothering to actually look at the profile. She went to her message box and opened the single note.
Hi agian,
If you haven't deleted the email I sent on,
or if you have, please respond to that instead of
this. I just wanted to add you as a friend so I
could look at your pictures. Did you enjoy the
concert? I know I did. Please email me back.
J? Who was J? She didn't know anyone that started by that letter. She took two minutes to look at her new friends profile. It popped up, as a blue background, a photo shoot picture of Taylor Hanson, and all the stats to go with it. She had another friend on her list with a page like this, dedicated to Taylor. A lot of people actually believed it was his personal page, but it never was. She went back to and pulled the email out of the trash. She hit reply.
Hey J.,
Thanks for the add.
Yeah, I had an awesome time at the concert. I was
disappointed that it had to be cut short. Who would
have thought there'd be a curfew in Vegas?! That
was the only show I got to go to on this tour too.
I'm trying for Minneapolis, but as of now it's not
looking so good. Anyway, the walk was awesome, wasn't
it? I would have loved to have been closer to Taylor
when he started singing 'Great Divide'. And who
wouldn't love the M&G? Did you have a good time?
Where were you for the show?
Talk to you later,
She grabbed a pen and notebook and quickly wrote down the screen name the email had been sent from. JTHan2. She checked the list on signed on users in the forum, but that name wasn't there. She decided she'd look again tomorrow, when more people would be on, and do a little research. Shrugging it off, she signed out of all her programs, then shut down her computer. She placed it back on her nightstand and turned off the small lamp also on the stand.
Chapter Two