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My  Leisure's

I played a lot of sports games and won so many medal and trophy.

I'll list some sports I play & like.

/ok/Hani/images/trophy.gif (4721 bytes)


  /ok/Hani/images/bowling.gif (9138 bytes) Bowling

I won the GOLD medal of my club competition in winter of 92.
won a trophy & GOLD medal of my club competition in summer of 92.

sqash.gif (2250 bytes)  Squash
I won the SILVER medal of my club competition in 1990.

competition in 1990.

   biliard.gif (2966 bytes) Pool & Billiard

I play this sport  when I usually go to club and have nothing to do .

 swim.gif (2621 bytes)  Swimming

I love this sport especially when I am in my Lamborghini  watching  girls in Bikinis 


 F1.gif (10812 bytes) F1
I like to watch formula1, and my best driver is Michael Schumacher.


 dj.gif (1880 bytes)  D.J ing  

My favorite hobby and the one I excel in. I am known in Beirut as D.J. Han. I play oldies, raga, house and RAP. I have a good collection of discs.


/ok/Hani/images/basketball.gif (9002 bytes) Basketball

though I am short, I like to play it .


gym.gif (12464 bytes)   Gymnastic

I used to play it when I was in school & I won 3 Silver medal and 1 bronze


soccer.gif (3513 bytes)    Soccer

we used to have a complete team called A.C. Milan, we won two local tournaments and I personally was granted best player trophy in one of them.



homearrowCLR.gif (8072 bytes) Home sweet home