After volleyball practice on Monday, Colleen signed online and checked her mailbox. Empty. She frowned and closed Netscape. She didn't know when Hanson was leaving for Washington D.C and she would've liked to find out what was going on, and, of course say goodbye to "the guys", as she had come to call them. Colleen went upstairs to finish her homework. She sat down at her desk, put Middle Of Nowhere on her stereo, and started Geometrey. NOT her favorite subject. Colleen sighed and put her pencil down. She remembered when she last talked to Taylor, she'd helped him with Algebra, which she'd taken last year. He had been surprised that she had already taken it, but math was one of Colleen's best, if not favorite, subjects. I wonder if Taylor could ever like someone like me she thought as she gazed dreamily out her window. She got up and stared at herself in the full-length mirroi on the back of her door. Ok figure, long legs, muscular. Very athletic, Colleen played a number of sports in addition to horseback riding, and that over the years had given her one of the most athletic, strongest figures in the eighth grade. Colleen could even beat all but two of the guys in arm-wrestling. The only problem was her height. At 5'10, Colleen was one of the tallest in her class, and easily the tallest girl, though she was one of the youngest. She moved closer to the mirror and looked at her face. Shoulder-length, wavy blonde hair, big brown eyes, a few freckles, straight nose and round chin gave her a characteristic face, but it wasn't anything that would stand out in a crowd or be remembered as pretty. With her odd mix of light hair and dark eyes, Colleen's face could be more easily described as interesting. Not a distinction I want. she thought with a sigh as she sat back down and turned back to her homework.
Quickie email to say have fun on your trip, I'll call you when you get home. The 6th, right? Email back soon!!
Thanx, good luck with the President, play well for me!! Yeah, I'm back the 6th. Miss ya, too!
Chapter 7
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