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Chapter 9

"Hey Alexi, come on in", I said as I saw Alexi standing at the door after I opened it.

"Thanx, I was planning to anyway", he smiled and walked in heading staight for the couch in front of the TV. He sat down on his favourite couch and started looking for the remote.

"You're sitting on it", I pointed to where he was sitting and laughed.

"Oh, sorry, how come I didn't see it? Or at least feel it!", he said taking it in his hand and turning on the TV. He quickly zapped through the stations and in the end decided to leave it on MTV.

"So, how've you been? Haven't seen you in quite a while", I said to him.

"You're telling me? It's like you have totally forgotten about your friends. You used to come out and visit us, but these days you don't even call. What's gotten into you Sida? I thought that if I didn't come here myself I'd never get to see you", Alexi looked at me with a hurt face.

"You're right, I've been a real jerk these last days..."

"Weeks!", he cut in.

"Okay, okay... weeks, and you have every right to be mad at me, but trust me, what ever it was I was going through, well, it's over now, and I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to neglect you, or the other kids, I hope you understand...", I said feeling even more guilty than my words.

"Yeah, I understand... this once though, okay?", he said and gave me a smile.

"I knew you would, you're the best!", I said and hugged him.

"Hey, don't push your luck girl", he teased me and taking the remote he started to zap through the channels again.

"So what was all that weird behaviour for? It was 'Taylor+Love', right?", he said after deciding to leave it on MTV again which was playing a Stone Temple Pilot video.

"It was that obvious huh?", I felt my cheeks blush.

"Well let me think... hmm... you called no one BUT Taylor all the time, whenever I told you to come over you ALWAYS had plans made WITH Taylor, whenever I tried to talk to you about something we ALWAYS ended up talking about what lovely blue eyes Taylor has, or how his blond hair shines in the sun or..."

"Okay, stop! I get the message, but come on, I couldn't have been that bad, I mean I probably mentioned once or twice that Tay has nice eyes, but..."

"ONCE??!! Like Hell you didn't! What, you think I'm actually making all this up? Or that I like talking about the shape or his ears, or how soft his skin is? I mean, I like the guy, but NOT like that! Hell NO! Now face it, you ARE in love with him!"

"Alright, you're right, I am in love with him, and don't worry, I won't talk too much about him I promise... The shape of his ears??? Are you serious? I actually talked about his ears too? This is bad!", I said putting my face in my hands and laughing from embarrassment.

"And what makes you think that you are over all this? Did you guys brake up?", Alexi said with a puzzled look on his face.

"No, no, we didn't brake up, I just realised that I love him, and that I also love my friends and that there is more to life than just Tay. Sure he means a lot to me, but there is room for more in my life than just one person."

"Couldn't have said it better myself... well, maybe I could have...", he said teasing me again. "I'm glad you realised it coz, I was prepared to knock some sence into you, and if that ment bopping you one on the head, then that's what, I'd do", he said laughing and giving me a gentle hit on the head.

"Well thank you Dr Love, next time I have problems with guys and stuff, I'll be sure to give you a call, and you can just come over and hit me one hard on the head, and VOILA all my problems will be gone! What's your number again?", I joked and got up to go to the kitchen.

"Juice?", I called out to Alexi.

"N' Gin!", he called back.

"Sorry Dr, I've only got juice to offer you.", I said and poured us two glasses of orange juice. "I hope you take it plain, I'd be most uspet if you didn't." I said handing him his juice.

"Well, I guess this will have to do", he said before drinking it.


I looked through my clothes in my closet, sometimes I felt that I didn't like any of my clothes and most of the times I spent half an hour trying different things on just to decide that it looked awful on me, or weird, or too baggy, even if a couple of days ago it looked fine. I sighed and pulled out my light blue jeans, my plain dark blue top and my navy Vans shoes. I quickly got dressed, I was already running late, Alexi had stayed a bit longer than what I expected, not that I minded, but I could have done with a few extra minutes. I was supposed to meet Taylor at the park at 7:30pm and it was already 7:20pm, and it would take me at least 10 minutes to walk there at a fast pace. I lightly wet my hair so my curls would liven up a bit and put my strawberry sented perfume on, Tay's favourite. I grabbed my wrist watch, before I raced out of the house and locked the door behind me. My parents were away for the weekend and I was enjoying my freedom for the couple of days they were away. They were away most of the time anyway, either at work or attending meetings and going out so I was quite used to it since I was an only child. Sometimes I even wondered why they even had a kid, not that they didn't love and care for me, and I had everything a child my age would need, but they just didn't seem like the couple who would want to be tied down to such a responsibility. I looked at my watch, 7:30pm, I started to run, I hated being late, that was definitely something I had picked up from my parents. I arrived at the park in a record of 5 minutes and saw Taylor sitting on the bench, his one foot resting on the bench with his arm wrapped around his bent leg and his face looking down towards the ground while kicking dirt with his other foot. His hair fell around his face, making it difficult to recognize him, well at least to those who didn't know him well, I could recognize him from a mile, just the way he walked, the way he brushed his hair off his face and the clothes he wore gave him away.

"Waiting for someone?", I asked innocently.

His mouth formed a smile as he saw me and he got up to hug me. "Yes, I was waiting for this blond babe I met yesterday, but it doesn't look like she is going to show, wonna be my date?", he said placing his arms around me and brushing his lips against mine.

"Blond babe eh? Don't dream honey, no blond babe would want poor little ol' you".

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Well simply coz I've made an arrangement with them all...", I said taking a piece of his blond hair in my hand and curling it around my finger.

"What sort of an arrangement?", he looked at me slyly.

"I told them that if they come within 50 meters close to you I'll have to shoot them, no mercy", I let his hair fall back into place just to pick up another piece and start curling it again.

"Whoa! What a tough girl I've got, should I be worried?"

"Nah, I'd never hurt you baby", I said and pulled all his hair from off his face and into a ponytail. Taylor pressed his lips against mine and kissed me fully on the mouth as he gently stroked my cheek and neck with his finger. I let his hair drop all over his face and wrapped my arms around his neck, we broke up our kissing and stood there hugging each other for a couple of minutes before we started to walk towards the shop area.

We arrived at out usual cafeteria where the rest of our friends were already there. We took two seats next to Natalie and Angel. I ordered an orange juice and Taylor ordered a strawberry and apple juice like usually. Orgy and Evan where there too with their new girlfriends Sandy and Niovi. We all sat there together, laughing and talking. I felt so alive, I wished we could just all stay like this forever, even though I knew that was impossible.

Chapter 10
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