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Chapter 3

It was 4:20pm and I was sitting on the floor in front of the TV. I had it on MTV when Greenday came on. Blah! I thought and got up to change it. Just then the phone rang. It was Orgy and he wanted to know if he could come over with a friend of his, Evan.
"Sure you can", I said. "I'm expecting Taylor, Zac and Isaac, but I'm sure it'll be fine."
"Oh cool! I was wondering when I was going to meet the Hansons!"..."Hey Evan, Hanson are going to be there!", I heard him call out to his friend through the other end of the phone.
"Woohoo!", I heard another voice say somewhere on the other side, which I thought must have been Evan's.
"We'll be over in 10 min.", Orgy said quickly and hung up.

15min. later the doorbell rang and Orgy and his friend Evan walked in.
"Hi Orgy", I said and kissed him on the cheek. Then I turned and faced his friend.
"You must be Evan, right?", I said.
"Yeah, that's me, nice to meet you Sida", said Evan.
"Okay, now that you two have met...", said Orgy looking inpatient,"...when are Hanson coming?"
"They should be here any minute, calm down Orgy, you'll meet them.", I said.
I showed Evan around and then we sat down on the couch in the lounge room. I had a good look at Evan while he was talking to Orgy. He had sort brown hair which he had pulled back into an untidy ponytail. He had a bit of a beard growing and was quite thin, but not in an unpleasant way. I looked at his eyes trying to figure out if they were blue or green, or maybe both... I hadn't realised that I was staring at him untill he spoke:
"Sida? Yes?"
"Oh!", I said embarrassed,"sorry, I was trying to figure out what colour your eyes are..."
"Don't bother, I've been trying to figure that out since I was introduced to a mirrow", he said and smiled.

5minutes later the doorbell rang and I could see Orgy's and Evan's eyes grow twice the size as they waited for me to open the door. I opened the door and smiled at them:
"Hi there", I said.
"HEY!", shouted Zac, "haven't seen you in a LONG time, did ya miss me?"
"Course Zacky, how couldn't I?"
"AA! Don't call me that! It's SO babyish!"
I laughed and kissed Ike on the cheek and then Tay on the mouth. Tay put his arm around my waist and kissed my neck as we walked inside.
"Guys...", I said to Hanson,"...I'd like you to meet two friends of mine who love your music and can't wait to be introduced to you. I looked over to Orgy and Evan who were going red. I introduced everyone and we all sat down in a circle on the floor. Isaac and Zac started to talk with Orgy and Evan while Taylor and I got up and sat on the couch a couple of feet behind them.

Tay reached out and pulled my hair gently behind my ear and kissed me softly on the cheek.
"Wonna go catch a movie or something later on Sid'", Taylor said looking at me with his blue eyes.
"Why not? Anything good on?"
"Dunno, I don't mind what we see, as long as we see it together," he said and kissed me.
"HEY! YOU TWO! PACK IT UP AND LETS DO SOMETHING!", yelled Zac. "Have anything in mind?", answered Isaac.
"Well...", Orgy suggested,"Evan and I play the guitar, actually Evan plays the bass and I play the guitar, we could go somewhere and practice..."
"COOL!" Zac shouted and stood up.
"That would be nice", Isaac said, "lets go over to my house, we've got a studio down in the basement."
"Ok, Orgy and I will go get our insturments", Evan beamed with delight.
"Tay, you coming?", Isaac asked.
"Nah, I'm gonna go see a movie with Sida, you guys go ahead, we'll join you later."

Chapter 4
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