GRCA Helful Hints by Joe Stewart
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GRCA Helful Hints by Joe Stewart

Everyone who has bred the Giant Runt has had to face a period of trail and error, in regards to their housing, breeding, feeding, etc. I feel sure that none of started out in the beginning with the necessary knowledge and know-how to raise fine birds the Giant Runt. I hope to give the new breeder and old alike, some ideas that may be of some use to them.

When we speak of breeding Runts, the first priority would have to be good, sound breeding stock. They don't have to be someon's best show stock. Experince has taught me that show birds aren't always the best breeders. Try to acquire birds that fit the Runt standard as close as possible, and that comliment each other when mated together. You can not always get a pair where both the hen and cock have all the necessary points, but when mated together, they should have them as close to the standard as possible

Acquire birds from a reliable breeder of Runts, and who particaptes in the shows, club activities, etc. A person has to stay active in the GRCA, showing, judging, to keep up with what the modern Runt is supposed to be. Also a continuos study of the
