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Korean War Related Books

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If you have written a book about the Korean War era and would like to have it listed here please feel free to send me the information and a cover photo and I'll be happy to add it here.
A signed complimentary copy is always welcomed ;)

Honor Clean


Bill Barry


         For decades, Harry Truman's police action in Korea was called The Forgotten War. Suddenly it was remembered with Pulitzer-winning revelations of atrocities (murder) allegedly committed by American GIs at NoGun-ri, the Naktong River, and elsewhere. That was the newspaper version. Honor Clean tells a far different story. It is fiction, based on fact and the experience of Marines who fought from the Pusan Perimeter to the Chosin Reservoir and on into the savage months thereafter--which led to 2 years of trench warfare. About sixty thousand American troops were killed during the war (1950-1953), two hundred thousand were maimed, some twelve thousand were reported missing in action--and they still are. The book focuses on daily life and death during the most crucial and brutal days of the war. The characters tell the story, as they were then, how they are now. Two of them finally confront the accusations of murder and tell the tale which the newspapers did not. Of war, it is said: See one, you see them all. This is what it is, and what it does to kids on the battlefield.  

The Raw Edge of Hell


J.T. O’Brien


        A Marine Rifle Company on Out Post duty has been decimated by the repeated assaults of the Chinese Army.  Reinforcements must be sent out immediately.  A Rifle Company is formed in parade formation in the darkness and double timed across the bleak no man’s land.  Unfortunately, the Chinese see them coming and less than fifty-percent of the would be rescuers reach the bottom of the hill.  Only the dead and wounded have fallen out of the formation.  A sergeant, sensing that the men are close to panic, begins to sing the Marine’s Hymn.  Amidst the clamor of combat, the voices have an instant effect.  The morale of the Marines holding out on the hill instantly buoyed, the Marines, charging into that hell, calmed down and the Chinese, hearing singing amidst shot and shell, began to beat a retreat.  The Out Post held.


 The Raw Edge of Hell is a fiction novel about the Officers and Men of a Marine Rifle Company in Korea during the last six months of the “Police Action.”  It is fiction, inspired by actual events.  You’ll find it an engrossing story that is difficult to put down.


         To purchase a signed copy send $18.00 (includes S&H) to:

Equidata Publishing

P.O. Box 1473

Anaheim, CA 92815-1473


Above And Beyond The Call of Duty:
The Corporal Clair Goodblood Story

By: Martin J. O'Brien

This is the story about Medal of Honor Recipient Corporal Clair Goodblood, who on April 25, 1951, laid down his life for his buddies. Also covers his early life, his service in the U.S. Army as well as his heoroic death on the field of battle in Korea in the defense of freedom. Corporal Goodblood was a member of 7th Inf Regt, 3d Inf Div KIA 4-25-51

All of the profits go to the CPL Clair Goodblood Medal of Honor Memorial
To purchase a copy Send $20 (incl S & H) to
Martin J. O'Brien
11 Meadow Rd., #202
Augusta, Maine 04330

KOREA The Last of The Fun Wars

Author Kal Kalnasy

Make No Mistake War is not fun. And Korea was no exception. In a war so bloody and so cold... How else can you withstand the agony but to see thelighter side of anything and everything to help maintain some form of sanity?

Darkmoon :
Eighth Army Special Operations in the Korean War

Author: Ed Evanhoe

A chronicle of the US Eighth Army G-3 Miscellaneous Group's activities during the Korean War: intelligence gathering, raids, sabotage, POW rescues, and guerrilla forays. Evanhoe, a member of the group, combines a predisposition for exciting detail along with historical research portraying the US, British, and Korean forces involved as adventurous characters with unorthodox procedures and tactics which were both successful and tragic failures. The specific operations on which he focuses include: Operation Virginia I and II, Task Force Kirkland, and Operation Spitfire. Includes photographs.

Order Darkmoon : Eighth Army Special Operations in the Korean War (Naval Institute Special Warfare Series) Today!
Amazon Keyword Search: Darkmoon

Love, War and Little Children
By James J. Woods
Poems, Life, Korean War. Jimmie Joe's life experiences told in poetry and short stories.




Jimmie Joe's:

Autobiography with Ponderings of A Boy and His Journey Via Therapeutic Writings


by Jimmie Joe (James J. Woods)


I learned well how to hide my war and keep my thoughts from the questioning world outside my head but I couldn't escape the pop-up demons stored inside. I coped by neither talking about nor discussing the demons lurking just below the surface, and in truth in those years my family and friends would have had even less reaction than my family did when I tried to talk about it in January of 1990.

The years 1951 to 1956 were the most difficult. Through the years that followed I managed to slowly pacify and veil that which distressed my mind. Through all this time in my ignorance I thought I was alone with ghosts of war, I alone was not quite man enough to cope, I alone held back tears and alone hid. I was not alone in being so wrong.

I was able to work, raise my family and function quite well but there were always pop-up war visions in my head, keepig me on guard and depriving my mind of lasting peace. 

A gripping story about the coming of age of an 18 year old Marine fighting in Korea during the last half of that bloody war. There is no Hollywood hokum in this book. It is a riveting, eye-opening account of the Forgotten War from the grunts perspective-- how they lived, how they talked and how they died. Much of the book is based on the authors experiences during the Korean War. Campbell, a former Marine Sgt., has drawn on his experience as a Marine infantryman to craft a masterful depiction of men at war.
IN THE SHADOW OF GLORY can be ordered at Barnes and Noble, Borders, or at

Breakout: The Chosin Reservoir Campaign, Korea 1950
by Martin Russ

(Fromm International; 0880642319; April 1999; History)
Available for purchase at: or Barnes & Noble
On November 27, 1950, a Chinese army of some 60,000 men poured over Korea's border, intent on wiping out a force of 12,000 Marines marching north to the Yalu River on General Douglas MacArthur's orders. The Marines were strung out along a narrow mountain road snaking its way up to the high plateau of the Chosin Reservoir. As the mercury dropped to a bone-chilling 30 degrees below zero, eight Chinese divisions emerged from hiding to pounce on the unsuspecting Americans. How the Marines, despite serious losses, broke out of encirclement while inflicting grueling punishment on the enemy is one of the most stirring sagas in the history of American arms. Step by bloody step, the Marines-given up for lost by headlines in the U.S.-fought their way back down the same precipitous road, miraculously taking their dead and wounded with them as they ran the ferocious gauntlet of unceasing Chinese attacks. Weaving into his account the voices of scores of individuals-ordinary Marines and their officers-Russ creates an unforgettable portrayal of the terror and courage of men as they face sudden death under the most horrendous conditions, making the bloody battles of the Korean hills and valleys come alive as they never have before.

My Old Box of Memories, Thoughts on the Korean War
by William Allen

I had this old cardboard box that was full of information that has been stashed away for over forty years. Anything that I had from the day the 24 inf. Div. went to Korea in July 1950. My father started a scrap book and kept it updated right until the time that I was released as a POW after 32 month. over the years anything that I received went into this old box. Most of the information I didn't want anything to remind me of my past experiences. But for some reason I kept the box and all the information that it contained. Over a period of time that old box was filling up.

When they were getting ready to dedicate the Korean War Memorial In Washington, DC. I got thinking of that old cardboard box shoved away in a corner.

I started going through the stuff that was in there and decided to write a journal for my children and their children. After writing about Korea I decided to write what I called After Thoughts. This consisted of anything that I considered of importance to my family. It is a continuation from the day I returned home up until November 1998.

I get the same response from everyone on the statement that I wrote:
I didn't have to do two much research in writing this journal. Why? Because I lived it as so many other veterans did.

by Al Chamberlin

A True account of some of the bloodiest battles of the Korean War - those following the 1952 entry of an enormous number of chinese troops into the fighting - battles bearing such names as Eerie, baldy, Porkchop, T-Bone and Christmas Tree Ridge. In this action-filled book, war is realistcally presented from the uniquely authentic viewpoint of the fighting ifantryman

1950: Truman's decision; the United States enters the Korean War by Glenn D. Paige

38 North Yankee by Edward Ruggero

Advanced Aerial Devices Reported During the Korean War by Richard F. Haines

Air Power in Three Wars by William W. Momyer

Air Superiority in World War II and Korea : an interview with Gen. James Ferguson, Gen. Robert M. Lee, Gen. William W. Momyer, and Lt. Gen. Elwood R. Quesada

Air War over Korea by Larry Davis

Air War over Korea by Robert Jackson

America in the Korean War by Edward F. Dolan

America's Tenth Legion : X Corps in Korea, 1950 by Shelby L. Stanton

American Heroes of Asian Wars by Dodd Mead

American Pows in Korea: Sixteen Personal Accounts by Harry Spiller (Editor), Spillier Harry (Editor)

Arab Israel Wars, the Chinese Civil War and Korean War by Thomas Griess (Editor)

The Arab-Israel Wars, the Chinese Civil War, and the Korean War (West Point Military History Series) by Roy K. Flint, Peter W. Kozumplik, Thomas J. Waraksa

Armor in Korea : A Pictorial History by Jim Mesko

Armour of the Korean War 1950 1953 by Simon Dunstan

Assault from the Sea : The Amphibious Landing at Inchon (The U.S. Navy in the Modern World Series, No 2) by Curtis A. Utz

Atomic Diplomacy in the Korean War (Pew Case Studies in International Affairs) by Jack Snyder

At War in Korea by George Forty

At War in KoreaAtlas of the Arab-Israel Wars, the Chinese Civil War and the Korean War (West Point Military History Series) by Thomas E., General Griess (Editor)

Australia in the Korean War 1950-53 by Robert John O'Neill

A Barren Place; National Servicemen in Korea, 1950-1954 by Adrian Walker

Battle at Best by S.L.A. Marshall

Battle for Korea: The Associated Press History of the Korean Conflict by Robert J. Dvorchak

The Battle of Kapyong : 3rd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, Korea 23-24 April 1951 by Bob Breen

Believed to be alive by John W. Thornton

Beyond Courage : Escape Tales of Airmen in the Korean War by Clay Blair

Black Soldier White Army: The 24th Infantry Regiment in Korea (Cmh Pub, 70-65) by William T. Bowers, William M. Hammond, George L. MacGarrigle

The Bloody Road to Panmunjom by Edwin Palmer Hoyt

Brave Men by David H. Hackworth, Julie Sherman, Paul McCarthy (Editor)

Bridging the Imjin : Construction of the Libby and Teal Bridges During the Korean War by 8022002669, William R. Farquar, Henry A. Jeffers

Britain and the Korean War (Making Contemporary Britain) by Callum MacDonald

British forces in the Korean War

British Part in the Korean War by Anthony Farrar-Hockley

British Part in the Korean War: A Distant Obligation by Anthony Farrar-Hockley

The British Part in the Korean War: An Honourable Discharge (British Part in the Korean War , Vol 2) by Anthony Farrar-Hockley

The Brush of angel wings : Korean War recollections by Bob Hudder

Canadian war service badges, 1914-1954 by Robbie Johnson

Captives of Korea : An Unofficial White Paper on the Treatment of War Prisoners; Our Treatment of the Theirs : Their Treatment of Ours by William L. White

The changing socialist systems and the Korean peninsula in the Post-Cold War era by Chong-Wook Chung

Chesi's Story: One Boy's Long Journey from War to Peace by Link S. White

China Maze by Lawrence Gardella

China Crosses the Yalu: The Decision to Enter the Korean War by Allen S. Whiting

China's Road to the Korean War: The Making of the Sino-American Confrontation (The U.S. and Pacific Asia - Studies in Social, Economic and Political) by Jian Chen

Chinese Attitudes Toward Nuclear Weapons: China and the United States During the Korean War by Mark A. Ryan

The Chinese Communist Army in Action; The Korean War and Its Aftermath, by Alexander L. George

Chosin: Heroic Ordeal of the Korean War by Eric M. Hammel

The Chosin Few : North Korea, November-December 1950 by Berry Craig

Chrysanthemum in the Snow :A Novel of the Korean War by James Richard Hickey

Colder Than Hell: A Marine Rifle Company at Chosin Reservoir (Naval Institute Audiobook Series) by Joseph R. Owen, Ray Davis

The Cold Steel Third :Third Airborne Ranger Company Korean War 1950-51. by Robert I Channon

Cold War,Hot War : an Australian perspective on the Korean War by Gavan McCormack

The Coldest War : A Memoir of Korea by James Brady

Comfort Women : an unfinished ordeal : report of a mission by Ustinia Dolgopol

The Commonwealth Armies and the Korean War : An Alliance Study (War, Armed Forces and Society) by Jeffrey Grey

Communist Logistics in the Korean War (Contributions in Military Studies, No 160) by Charles R. Shrader

Confidential U.S. State Department special files lot files 55-D-128, Records of the Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Records relating to the Korean War, 1950-1952 : 58-D-643 and 59-D-407, Records of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs (Korea), 1952-1957

Conflict: The History of the Korean War, 1950-53 by Robert Leckie

Crimson Sky: The Air Battle for Korea by John R. Bruning

Crucial Years of Non Alignment USA Korean War India by R.P. Kaushik

The Day the Chinese Attacked: Korea, 1950 : The Story of the Failure of America's China Policy by Edwin P. Hoyt

Decisive Battles of the Korean War : An Infantry Company Commander's View of the War's Most Critical Engagements by Sherman W. Pratt

The diplomacy of constraint Canada, the Korean War, and the United States by Denis Stairs

Disaster in Korea: The Chinese Confront MacArthur (Texas A&m University Military History Series, No 11) by Roy Edgar Appleman

Distant Patrol : Virginia and the Korean War by Donald C. Harrison

Drawing the Line : The Korean War, 1950-1953 by Richard Whelan

Eagles (Wings of War, Book 4) by Ray Rosenbaum

East of Chosin; Entrapment and Breakout in Korea, 1950 by Roy Edgar Appleman

Ending the Last Cold War: Korean Arms Control and Security in Northeast Asia by Suk Jung Lee

Enter the Dragon: China's Undeclared War Against the U.S. in Korea, 1950-51 by Russell Spurr

Escaping the Trap: The Us Army X Corps in Northeast Korea, 1950 (Texas A and m University Military History Series, 14) by Roy Edgar Appleman

The Fight for Korea; From the War of 1950 to the Pueblo Incident, by T. R. Fehrenbach

Firefight at Yechon: Courage and Racism in the Korean War by Charles M. Bussey

Five Down and Glory; A History of the American Air Ace (Literature and History of Aviation) by Gene Curney

Foreign Intervention in Korea by Gye-Dong Kim

Forgotten Heroes: 131 Men of the Korean War Awarded the Medal of Honor 1950-1953 (Schiffer Military/Aviation History) by Kenneth N. Jr. Jordan

The Forgotten War : America in Korea, 1950-1953 by Clay Blair

The Forgotten War ... Remembered by Korean War Veterans Assn

The Forgotten War Remembered-Korea: 1950-1953: A War Correspondent's Notebook & Today's Danger in Korea by Hwa-Bong Sin, Bill Shinn

Fortune favours the brave-the Battle of the Hook Korea, 1953 by A. J. Barker

The Four Deuces : A Korean War Story by C.S. Crawford

Freedom from Fear; A Testimony to the Power of God in the Life of Korean War Hero Robert S. Durham by Jeanne Hall, Jeanne Hill, Robert S. Durham (Contributor)

From Pusan to Panmunjom (An Ausa Book) by Sun Yup Paik, Paik Sun Yup, James A. Van Fleet

From the Danube to the Yalu (Military Classics Series) by Mark General Clark

From the Hudson to the Yalu: West Point '49 in the Korean War (Texas A&m University Military History, No 31) by Harry J. Maihafer

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