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Scarlett Essay & GWTW Web Ring

"Fo' Gowd, Miss Scarlett! We's got ter have a doctah. Ah-Ah-Miss Scarlett, Ah doan know nuthin' 'bout bringin' babies. Maw wouldn' nebber lemme be 'round folkes whut wuz havin' dem."--Prissy

"There is nothing left. Nothing left for me. Nothing left to love. Nothing to fight for. You are gone and Tara is going."---Scarlett

"Not outer Miss Ellen's po'teers is you gwin have a new dress, ef dat's what you figgerin' on. Not w'ile Ah got breaf in mah body."---Mammy

"With enough courage you can do without a reputation."---Rhett

"You must be brave. You must. How else can I bear going away?"---Ashely

"I'm tired of everlasting being unnatural and never doing anything I want to do."---Scarlett

"People just don't understand you and people can't bear for a woman to be smart."---Melanie

"She is the only dream I ever had that lived and breathed and did not die in the face of reality."---Ashley

"Dig up the weeds off Yankee graves? For two cents, I'd dig up all the Yankees and throw them in the city dump!"---Mrs. Meade

"Beauty doesn't make a lady great, nor clothes a great lady!"---Rhett

"Did it ever occur to you that I loved you as much as a man could love a woman? Loved you years before i finally got you?"---Rhett

"Men haven't got much sense, have they, when you get down to rock bottom?"---Scarlett

"I won't think of it now. I'll think of it later when I cna stand it."---Scarlett

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Once Upon A Lifetime.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.
