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Scarlett O'Hara is one powerful woman....She captured the heart of a man, and then walked all over him. She was so in love with the darling Ashley, that she did not realize how much pain she caused for others who loved her. All she thought about was herself, and what she wanted. Rhett was not the one that she wanted; in fact, I believe that she wanted him as much as she wanted the mild-mannered and meek Charles Hamilton, whom she married only to make Ashley jealous. But Scarlett has many things going for her, and beauty is one of them. She is a gorgeous young lady....She has great vitality and vivaciousness....which eventually lead her to determine to save her childhood home of TARA.

The Civil War was a tough time for everyone, but especially for the men and women of the South, who were fighting to save their way of life...They did not have the wealth and resources of the North; for them it was a long and bitter struggle...The Confederate soliders were underclothed, malnourished, and over-exhausted. They left large plantations under the care of their wives, some of whom were not good at all with managing the day to day hassles of running the house and keeping the house servants in order, and then giving them the added responsibility of having to take charge of the field hands and slaves. This was a tough job, but many women came out on top and kept their husbands from going under....However, because of the war, the price of cotton, which was the major crop of the South, went down dramatically, causing many to fall on hard times.

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