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Adapting (1)

"What a way to ruin a summer vacation," thought Angel Truitt as she gazed outside at the passing cars from the window of her family's Suburban. She dozed off a few minutes later, and was woken by her sisters, Abby (8) and Alana (11).

"Wake up, moron!" shouted Alana.

Abby stepped out of the car and surveyed her summer prison.

"I hope I at least have a big room to spend most of my time in," Angel said to herself. As she walked up the path to the door, she heard lots of commotion from the house next door. She could hear music being played, two kids screaming, and another one crying. She felt sorry for the parents of these children, and she made a mental note never to have more than one child. The door opened, and her grandmother walked out, giving her a hug.

Not wishing to be rude, but realizing how tired she actually was, she excused herself and went to find her room. She was surprised at how much nicer this house was than the one in Hawaii. Her grandmother had gotten her a king-sized waterbed like the one at home, and she had a rather large entertainment system on one side of her room. A laptop was set up on a desk in the corner, and she even had a jacuzzi (is that how you spell it?) tub all to herself.

She walked over and lay herself down on the bed immediately drifting off to sleep.

"Sweetie, wake up," called her grandmother over the intercom. "We're going next door to eat dinner with the neighbors. They have children your age, and their mother thinks it would be nice if, after all I've told her about you guys, that you all should get together. She's very nice, and she said that she knows it's your first summer in Tulsa, and she wants you to enjoy it. You can take a shower and walk over when you're done. We're leaving now, but we wanted you to get as much rest as possible."

"Thanks Grandma. Tell everyone I'll be over in about half an hour."

With that, Angel hurried into the shower. She quickly hopped out of the shower, dryed her long brown hair, put in her purple color-contacts, and dressed in Gap jeans, a black tank, and a sheer blouse to go over it. She pulled on her silver tennis shoes, and applied a light gold shade of lipstick.

She walked out of the house and next door. As she neared the front of the house, she could hear a bunch of children running around in the backyard. She hesitated when she reached the front door. She hated meeting new people. She wasn't very outgoing, and she wished Brad was here to help her. Brad was very popular, and Angel just didn't think it was fair. Sure, she had a bunch of friends, but she just took a long time to really get to know someone, and people usually want to make friends right away, not wait until Angel was comfortable talking to them. She remembered her and Brad's motto: "Fear is not an option." Brad was right when he had come up with that. She then hastily rung the doorbell.

Almost immediately, the door flew open, and Angel found herself staring into the deep blue eyes of Taylor Hanson.

More Chapters

Chapter Two
