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Love (10)
Angel woke up later that night, and she couldn't get back to sleep because the wooden boards were making her spine stiff. The worst part was that she was really tired, and she wanted to be able to get some rest. She glanced at her watch, and she saw that it was only 2:00. She looked over at Taylor who was sleeping next to her. Just seeing him next to her made her feel more at ease, but she decided to wake him up, anyway. She didn't think he'd mind too much. She softly ran her fingers over his cheeks, and she leaned over to kiss him gently. She kissed him for a few minutes after she felt his lips respond, and then she slowly pulled away from him.

"Taylor, I can't sleep. This wooden floor is absolutely killing my back," Angel whispered, turning over onto her stomach.

Taylor took this as the perfect opportunity to try something new. He put his hands on her shoulders, and he began massaging her back. She closed her eyes and let Taylor's hands work their way up and down her back in slow but steady rhythm. She turned herself over, and she felt Taylor's hands start at her lower stomach and work their way up. When they were almost at her chest, Taylor quickly drew his hand away.

Angel opened her eyes, and saw Taylor looking at her with inquisitive eyes.

"Angel, do you think I could know....uh..."

"Taylor, I don't mind if you touch me. I trust you, remember?" Angel said softly to him.

He leaned down to kiss her gently on the cheek, and she closed her eyes once more, but she didn't feel Taylor's hands. She opened her eyes, and she saw him looking at her uncertainly. She gently took one of his hands in hers and placed it on her chest. He gently touched her, and she gave him some time to get used to the feel of her body. He leaned down and placed his lips on her chest. She was a little unsure, herself, but she let him continue because she really did trust him.

"Taylor, would you mind if I went to sleep now? You don't have to stop. In fact, please don't. I'm just tired."

So Taylor let her fall asleep while he continued to kiss her gently. He waited until he heard her steady breathing, and he lay awake for a long while thinking about their relationship. He was glad that she trusted him so well, and he trusted her, also.

He was thinking about the meaning of love, and he decided that that must be the way he felt about her. Every minute of his life he wished could be spent with her, and he knew that he could tell her anything because he knew that she would never be one to break a trust. She knew all too well what effect that had on a person. Tomorrow, he was going to talk to Isaac. He wasn't quite sure what he would say to Ike, but he had to tell someone, and his brother was the only other person he could trust.

He couldn't ask his parents because that would just be too embarrassing. He had already had to endure one of their sex lectures after he was found sleeping in the waterbed, and he didn't want to give his parents a reason to talk to him again about that. Zac wouldn't be much help, either. He would only be able to understand half of what Taylor was experiencing, and therefore, he wouldn't be able to fully understand the importance of this. Besides, Zac was only twelve, and like most twelve year-olds, he would probably just start laughing and giggling. Jessica and Avery wouldn't be likely to understand. Not that they would tell anyone, but they wouldn't know what he was talking about, so they were pretty much ruled out. Mackie would just run around repeating to his parents what Taylor had said, and that would give them reason to give him yet another lecture, and he really didn't want to go through that again. Zoe (if you know how to do the accent on the "e," would you mind telling me?) isn't even a year old, so what good would that do. If he had expected some sort of response, he may as well have just taken a block of cement and poured his thoughts out to it. Pointless. Yeah, Ike was definitely the way to go. He couldn't avoid trouble any other way. Besides, the younger kids might accidentally let it slip, and that would just lead back to a lecture.

He looked at Angel one more time. She had her head next to his on the pillow they were sharing, and he kissed her lightly on the cheek before placing his head next to hers on the pillow and shutting his eyes for the last time that night.

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Chapter Eleven
