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Longing (11)
Next morning came all too soon for Angel and Taylor. Angel ran back to her house, and Taylor went in his room to get dressed. He showered and put on a blue shirt and some jeans. He found Isaac alone in the room, and he shut the door so that he could talk to him without any interruptions such as siblings.

"Ike, can I talk to you? I've kinda got this problem, and I need some advice. I can't go to Mom and Dad because that would be too embarrassing, and I know that Zac and Jessie and Avery wouldn't understand, and-"

"Taylor, just spit it out, already!"

"Okay, well, I kinda sorta want to know what I should do about my feelings for Angel. You've had girlfriends before, and so you should know about this kind of thing..."

"Listen," said Isaac, "you can't just keep seeing her at night. The day her parents allow you to see her, you have got to go somewhere. She's not going to like living her entire love life at night, and she's going to dump you for someone she can appear in public with."

"Ike, I know that, and I don't want to lose her because of that. It's not like I WANT to sneek out at night just so that we can talk without her parents going ballistic. You have no idea how much I would like to be able to watch a movie with her, or go rollerblading with her, or have dinner with her, but the simple truth is that I CAN'T, and it's driving me insane."

"Taylor, I have an idea, but you are really going to owe me for this one. How about I move the extra TV into the treehouse. It has an outlet, so you could watch videos because the VCR is built in. I'll also help you take the extra mattress out there so that you don't have to break your back on the wooden planks at night. I will EVEN go so far as to get the both of you whatever you want to eat for dinner. Mom and Dad will think nothing of it, but we have to let Zac in on it or else it'll never work. You know that he likes taking stuff into the treehouse to build his "secret hideout," so that's the explanation we'll use. How does that sound?"

"Isaac, you are the best big brother on earth! I love you, man!" Taylor said, hugging Isaac.

"Tay, I love you, too, but feel free to get off me anytime you want."

"Sorry," Taylor said, letting go. He was so excited. He was finally going to get to do something with Angel other than just talking. This was going to kick ass!

Meanwhile, Angel wasn't near as thrilled as Taylor. She just found out that they (meaning her WHOLE messed up family) were going to go to the zoo, today. As much as she loved spending hours in the sun, burning to a crisp while little children spilled their food all over her just so they could see the walrus pee, she just didn't feel up to it. She was incredibly tired because of her late night "affair" with Taylor and her early morning date with the harsh, cruel society known as her family, and all she wanted to do was sleep. She felt horrible about lying to her parents and grandparents (well, she didn't technically lie. She just didn't tell them), but it was the only way she could see Taylor, and her longing for him was greater than any longing she had ever possessed. She loved being with Taylor. She knew that he would never let anything happen to her, and that's what comforted her most. The only person she could trust and the only person who could hold her and caress her and kiss her just perfectly was the only person she was forbid access to. It just wasn't fair! Why do adults have to be so narrow-minded?

Angel managed to avoid the zoo because she told her mother that she wasn't feeling well. Her mom wanted to then take her temperature, so Angel quickly rushed to the restroom making gagging noises the whole way. She ate a cinnamon tic-tac, and then she went back to her mom who was holding the thermometer and looking at her rather suspiciously because she had tried pulling this off once before but had failed. Her temperature turned out to be 99, and she silently said a prayer to the cinnamon god.

After her family had departed, she heard a tapping at her window. She opened it, only to find Taylor standing below. She helped him into her room, and she asked him why he was there.

"I saw your car leaving, and I hoped that you weren't in it, so I ran all the way here, and here I am. I had to see you. I have a surprise for you tonight. Bring your paja-"

Taylor was cut off by a deep kiss, and Angel gently pushed him onto the bed as she removed her shirt. Taylor took this as a hint to take off his own shirt as well, and he lay back down again, but this time on top of Angel. He let his hands roam around her body, and he gently ran his fingers across her chest. She sat up slightly so that Taylor could unhook her bra, and she let him remove it, throwing it aside along with the rest of their clothes. She could feel the warmth of his flesh as she drew him tightly to her. She held him in her arms for a while, just breathing in his scent and whipsering almost inaudibly in his ear. She kissed his shoulders, and she absent-mindedly ran her fingers in odd patterns across his back.

Angel looked at her clock and realized that her family was going to be home any minute, and she mentioned this to Taylor who reluctantly pulled his shirt back on and proceeded to help Angel dress. She pulled him into one last passionate kiss before helping him out of her window.

As she watched Taylor run off, she heard her parents' car pull into the driveway.

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Chapter Twelve
