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Why I Love You (12)
The rest of the day was quite boring for Angel. When her family came home, she told them that she was feeling better and that she had taken an Aspirin. They seemed to buy the story, and once again, she thanked her mother silently for putting her in acting classes.

Taylor was busy helping Zac and Ike set up the treehouse for that night. They brought the mattress from the garage into the treehouse, and they sent Zac to fetch some sheets to put on it. They backed it into a corner so that there was enough room in the treehouse for the rest of their things (obviously, it is not a small treehouse). Taylor went to get some videos from inside the house for them to watch later on, and Isaac carried the television up the ladder and set it about 5 feet away from the foot of the bed. After the television was set up, Isaac drove to the grocery store to get Taylor some extra food, and then he drove to McDonald's to buy both Angel and Taylor a Quarter Pounder With Cheese and large fries. When Isaac got back, Taylor thanked him and quickly put the food in the treehouse, got his boxers and t-shirt, and sat back on his bed to wait for midnight.

When Angel got to the treehouse, she was wondering what sort of surprise Taylor had for her. She had brought her pajamas like he had asked. She wished that they could do something together. She wanted to go to a movie with him or eat dinner with him or go dancing with him, but she couldn't.

She climbed the ladder to the treehouse, but Taylor wasn't there. Instead, she saw a television, a mattress, a stereo, and lots of food. She sat down to wait for Taylor. About three minutes later, she heard Taylor climb the ladder.

"So, do you like it?" he asked hopefully.

"Taylor, thank you. This is the sweetest thing you could have done for me. I was just thinking about what we were missing out on by not being able to go out," she said, pulling him into a hug. "I love you, Taylor."

"I love you too, Angel," he said, kissing her cheek. "So, what do you want to do first?"

"Well, since I didn't eat dinner because it was meatloaf and cabbage (another of Mom's nutricious ideas gone wrong), I am absolutely starving, and I couldn't help noticing all that food you've got over there, so do you think we could..."

"Of course. Would you like to watch a movie while we eat?"

"What the hell," said Angel, "let's live on the edge. Bring on the videos!"

Taylor laughed and held out a selection of movies for her to choose from. She chose Romeo and Juliet, and they sat back on the bed to watch the video and eat dinner. Angel leaned back against Taylor, and about halfway through the film, she began stroking his cheek gently with her right hand. She turned her head slightly and kissed his neck softly. He pulled her closer to him and he realized that she was shivering. She only had a tank top and shorts on, so he pulled back the sheet and blanket from the bed, and he told her to get in. He didn't want her to get sick. They were going on vacation in two days, so they would only have one more night together like this before they could be in a real bed together. Taylor wasn't sure how they would pull it off, but he knew that he would find a way to be with her every night. He was so used to going to sleep knowing that she was there beside him, that if he had to fall asleep without her, he wouldn't be able to.

About halfway through the movie, Angel let her hand find its way to Taylor's face, and she began stroking his cheek lightly. She turned her head and pressed her lips to his neck. She felt him pull her tightly against him, and she was grateful because she was shivering and she needed to be warmed up. Taylor apparently noticed this, and he told her to get under the covers because he didn't want to see her get sick. She loved him so much, and she wished that he could always be there for her, but she also knew that it was only a matter of time before the summer was over and she had to go back to Florida, leaving Taylor to concentrate on his music and tours. She didn't want him to go, but she knew that she was being selfish. He had a whole other life without her, and there were tons of people who needed him. She pushed these thoughts out of her mind, and she lay back against him once more.

Romeo and Juliet ended shortly afterwards, and Taylor turned the television off and lay in silence with Angel by his side.

"Hey, Taylor? I've kinda been wondering this, and I was wondering if you could give me an answer," whispered Angel.

"I'll answer you to the best of my ability," said Taylor.

"Well, everywhere you go, you meet a ton of girls who completely adore you, but I just showed up next door one day. I wasn't even a real big fan of your music, and yet you asked me out, and now you're lying here with me in the same bed. There are so many people who are absolutely crazy for you, and you could have any girl on earth because of your fame. Why me, Taylor?"

"For all the reasons you mentioned. You aren't like any of the other girls I've ever met. They all boast about how little they eat, they scream whenever they see me, and they don't like me. They like my looks or my fame. I want you because you love me for who I am. Nobody else even cares. Even though it's true, I can't help but think that over half of my friends wouldn't even like me if I wasn't in a famous band. Fame is way overrated, Angel, and I need someone like you who can make me feel like a normal person instead of a thing that everyone admires because of its beauty or position. I need you. Promise me you'll never leave..." Taylor trailed off pulling her closer to him and kissing her lips tenderly.

"Taylor, I promise you. I'll stay with you for as long as you need me. I need you, too. I spend my whole day just waiting for night to come because I need to be with you, and I need you here with me. I used to wonder what it would be like to kiss you, but now I can't go a single day without kissing you. I love you, Taylor. I mean it. I've never said that to anyone else because I never felt this way. I don't care what anyone says. I'm not too young to love you, Taylor," Angel said, placing a kiss on his soft lips.

After exchanging her jean shorts for her silk boxers, Angel lifted her top over her head, and she was about to unhook her bra, but Taylor stopped her.

"Let me. Just relax, okay?" he said soothingly to her. Angel let Taylor slip her bra off of her, and she lay back down, letting Taylor rub her back in slow, rhythmic patterns. She turned over and helped Taylor remove his own shirt. She pulled him gently down on top of her, and she rubbed the smooth skin on his back. She let Taylor's lips move around her chest and work their way up her neck to her face. She kissed his cheeks and she placed her lips on his in a deep kiss. Then, in a tacit agreement, Taylor kissed her once more and they both lay quietly back down on the mattress. Taylor pulled Angel into his arms, and they fell asleep, cuddling face to face.

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Chapter Thirteen
