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Caught (13)
Morning came, and Angel opened her eyes. She was comfortable in Taylor's arms, and she hated the fact that she had to leave him in a few minutes so that she could go lead a meaningless existence all alone in her room. This summer was almost unbearable. Not only was she kept away from her best friend, but she didn't know anyone else in Tulsa.

She glanced over at Taylor. He looked so angelic, and she didn't want to wake him up, but she knew she had to. She moved her lips to his cheek and kissed it gently.

"Hey," he said, opening his eyes.

"I should get going if I want to live until tomorrow," Angel said, smiling.

"You know, Angel, tonight is our last night together before we go to Mackinac Island. We'll still be together, but unless you have your own room, we can't do this anymore," he said, touching his fingertips lightly to her cheek.

"But after Mackinac, we all share a lakehouse in Bellaire, remember? Ike, Zac, Alana, you, and I have a lakehouse all to ourselves. Everyone else is staying at the hotel. We are going to have so much fun, Taylor."

"I'll see you later tonight, then," Taylor said, pressing his lips against hers.

Angel climbed down the ladder and started running back to her house, but she stopped and turned around. She ran back and climbed up the ladder. She pulled Taylor into a tight embrace and she kissed his lips with a passion she didn't even know she had.

"Taylor, I need you," she said kissing his neck. "I can't leave you, sweetie."

"But if you don't you're going to get caught, Angel."

"I'm willing to risk that, Taylor. Come here," she said lying down on the mattress.

Taylor lay down on top of her and slowly ran his fingers through her hair. He kissed her neck and realized just how much he needed her. He buried his face in her neck and let her rub his bare shoulders. She rolled over, and Taylor was now on his back. He opened his mouth to say something, but he was instantly silenced by a deep kiss.

"Relax," Angel whispered, kissing his cheek. Taylor closed his eyes and let Angel gently kiss every part of his upper body. She moved her lips to his mouth and began rubbing his smooth chest. He opened his lips slightly, and she began caressing his tongue with her own. She drew her lips away from his, gently, and he reached up and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She wrapped her small fingers around his wrist, and she placed his hand right underneath the front of her shirt.

As Taylor was lifting her shirt over her head, they heard someone climbing the ladder. Angel wrapped her arms around Taylor, and they shut their eyes, pretending to be asleep. She felt Taylor's body tense up, and she kissed his neck, gently.

"Young man, you are in deep shit." It was Mrs. Hanson.

Chapter Fourteen

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