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Confessions (14)
"Taylor, get dressed and I want both of you to meet me inside in exactly ten minutes," said Mrs. Hanson as she descended the ladder and walked inside.

"This is becoming quite a regular occurance, Taylor," sighed Angel.

"I'm sorry, Angel. This is completely my fault. Now your parents are going to go absolutely ballistic," he said pulling her close.

"Taylor, this is not your fault. It's mine. If I hadn't come back, none of this ever would have happened. You don't have to feel sorry. I do." Angel whispered those last words and kissed Taylor's lips. "I completely deserve whatever my punishment may be."

"No you don't. I keep screwing this up. All I want is you, and that seems to be the only thing which I can't have. I love you. Always remember that."

"I love you too, Taylor."

Taylor hugged Angel again, and he kissed her gently. He pulled his shirt over his head, and they climbed down the ladder. Taylor kissed Angel one more time before opening the door and stepping inside.

As they made their way to the living room, Angel felt as though everyone they passed was staring at her. It was like she was going to the electric chair or something. She hadn't even done anything wrong. What was so bad about loving Taylor? All she had wanted in the first place was to spend time with him. Her mother came in her room at the wrong time, and she completely freaked. It wasn't even as though they had done anything. Why couldn't they understand? If she was willing to risk getting caught a second time, she'd think that someone would have the brains to understand what was going on. She honestly loved Taylor. Even the littlest things about him caught her attention and only made her love him that much more.

Her mother had said that she and Taylor couldn't possibly be in love. What did her mom know about love, though? All she ever did was fight with her husband. That certainly isn't love. She was snapped back to reality when Taylor held her close as they sat down on the couch. She drew her legs up to her chest, and she leaned against Taylor. He wrapped his arms around her and they waited in silence for Mrs. Hanson to come in.

Angel expected her to be mad at them, but she walked in with a smile on her face. She sat down across from them, and she asked Taylor to explain everything to her.

"Okay, um, well, you remember when you went to San Antonio? Well, that was of course the night I spent at Angel's house. Her mom came in and saw us sleeping next to each other, and she jumped to some major conclusions. She told Angel and me that we couldn't see each other, but you have to understand, she is my very best friend, so every night at midnight, we would meet in the treehouse and sleep out there together. Please don't tell her parents. They're already mad at her, and it would only make her summer worse. Please, mom..." pleaded Taylor.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to tell anyone. It isn't that big of a deal. I trust that you aren't going to do anything serious with each other. I'm also going to have a talk with your parents about this, Angel. They shouldn't keep you away from what you really want. As long as you're both happy, I'm happy, okay?"

Angel let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Hanson. You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you," Angel said smiling.

Taylor and Angel hugged each other tightly, and Mrs. Hanson walked out of the room smiling.

The phone rang, and Mrs. Hanson talked with what Angel guessed to be Mrs. Truitt, and she walked back into the room.

"Angel, your mother just called. I told her that I saw you out rollerblading. Take a shower here, you can borrow some of Taylor's clothes, and then you can go home without getting in trouble, okay? Your mother also told me to tell you that they were going shopping today, and they might not be back until after dinner. We are also going out today, so I'll leave Taylor here with you to keep you company. Just don't do anything I wouldn't want you to do.

"We won't, Mom. I promise."

After everyone left, Angel followed Taylor upstairs to the bathroom. He gave her a towel to use, and he handed her the shampoo and shower gel.

"Angel, I'm going to go take a shower in the other bathroom, okay?" he asked.

"Well, I was kinda thinking. I watched Saturday Night Live the other night, and The Ambiguously Gay Duo said that it's safest to take a shower with a partner, and since you're the only one here..." she said before kissing him softly on the lips.

Taylor shrugged. "Safety first," he said before stepping into the bathroom with Angel and shutting the door behind him.

Chapter Fifteen

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