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Safety First (15)
Taylor turned on the shower, and he pulled his shirt over his head. He then lifted Angel's shirt up gently and threw it on the floor in a pile with his. Angel kissed his lips and his shoulders, rubbing his back. Angel felt Taylor move his hands from her upper back down, and she let him slowly slip his fingers in her jeans. She reached down and unbuttoned them, letting them fall to the ground. Taylor removed Angel's remaining undergarments, and he then let her move her delicate hands into his jeans. With one hand, she began slowly unbuttoning his jeans. She knew this would drive Taylor absolutely insane, and as she predicted, he reached down to help speed up the process. Angel smiled and kissed his cheek lovingly. Then she pulled down his boxers and stepped backwards into the shower.

Taylor followed her, and she drew him close to her. She picked up the bottle of shampoo and began rubbing it into Taylor's hair. She kissed his nose before rinsing it out. She grabbed the shower gel and began massaging it all over Taylor's body. He sighed deeply, and she pressed her lips to his neck. Taylor took the shampoo and carefully worked it into Angel's hair. After rinsing it out, Taylor took the shower gel and slid his hands around Angel's entire body. When he finished, they stood with their arms around each other, letting the gentle waterfall wash their cares away.

Angel lay her head on Taylor's shoulder, kissing his neck occasionally. He let his hands explore, and Angel relaxed her muscles, letting Taylor support her . She felt him gently insert one of his fingers inside her, and she drew in her breath sharply.

"I promise I won't hurt you," Taylor said soothingly.

"I trust you, Taylor," Angel whispered before kissing the drops of water that landed on his face.

Taylor moved his finger around inside her, and he would feel her muscles tense up from time to time. He calmed her down by placing kisses gently on her neck. Angel stopped kissing Taylor, and she took a deep breath, letting it out slowly and holding on to it until there was no more air left. He slowly withdrew his hand, and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. She reached her hand down and began rubbing Taylor, as he had done to her. She felt him stiffen, and his kisses became more intense. She took her hand away and wrapped both arms around him. He put his head down on her shoulder, and they stood together for a long time.

When the warm water ran out, Angel reached down and turned off the faucet. She stepped out of the shower, and Taylor reached for the towel, wrapping it around them both. Taylor opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom with Angel by his side.

Chapter Sixteen

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