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Dreams and Fantasies (16)
"Wow," said Angel as she collapsed on Taylor's bed.

"That was simply...amazing..." said Taylor as he lay down next to Angel.

"I am so tired," said Angel, scooting closer to Taylor.

"Tell me about it," Taylor said wrapping both arms around her.

"Hey, before everyone else comes home, we better get dressed and dry our hair so that they don't suspect anything," Angel said as she kissed Taylor's cheek.

He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and handed her some jeans and a red shirt. He put on some boxers and took a pair of jeans for himself. Then he went into his closet and pulled out a shirt identical to the one he had given to Angel. She laughed, and he went to find the hair dryer. Angel got Taylor's brush and began running it through her hair.

She felt Taylor's hand take the brush and continue brushing her hair. He sat her down in front of him and proceeded to dry her hair with the utmost care. When he was done, he handed the brush and hairdryer to Angel who then dried his hair so that it hung just the way she liked it. She turned off the hair dryer and she tucked his hair behind his ears. She kissed him gently on the lips and then she lay back down on the bed.

"Hey, Angel, are you hungry?" asked Taylor.

"Now that you mention it, I really am. I haven't eaten anything all day long, and I could really go for some pasta," she said getting up and wrapping her arms around Taylor's neck.

"Well, you are in luck because that is the only thing besides eggs that I know how to cook. The real problem is, what kind of noodles do we use?"

"Hmmm...I've always loved shells..." Angel trailed off.

"Shells it is, then," said Taylor, taking Angel's hand and leading her downstairs.

Taylor went into the pantry and pulled out the shells while Angel started to boil the water, and soon the pasta was well on its way. When the time came to pull the shells out of the pot, she took one on the spoon and cooled it off to make sure it was ready. She reached over and popped it into Taylor's mouth.

"Done?" she asked.


After they had drained the pot and cleaned up the kitchen, they took the bowl of shells up to Taylor's room, and they turned on the television. The only good thing to watch were the Saturday Night Live re-runs, so they decided to leave the channel on Comedy Central. Nothing against any of the other channels, it's just that "Shopping with Wanda" and "Cooking with Akmed" were not the most exciting of shows, if you know what I mean.

Saturday Night Live was over, and so they decided to just talk. The conversation turned to dreams.

"So, Angel, what do you dream of being when you grow up?" Taylor asked.

"Actually, I want to be an actress on Saturday Night Live," she replied. "But, I am going to college to study law just in case that doesn't work out. The way I see it, Saturday Night Live is one of the best places to start because you almost always move on to bigger and better things. Look at Steve Martin, Eddie Murphy, Chris Farley, and now Jim Breuer is in 'Half Baked.' Plus, even if you never move up, you still meet a load of interesting people."

"That's cool. Promise me when you win an Academy Award that you'll mention me?" asked Taylor.

"What makes you so sure I'm going to win one?"

"What makes you so sure you aren't?"

"Good point. Okay, I promise if you promise that when you win a Grammy that you'll mention me."

"Deal," said Taylor, laying back down on his bed.

"I love you," Angel whispered, putting her arms around Taylor and laying her head on his chest, and within minutes, they were both asleep.

Chapter Seventeen

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