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Good Will Hunting...Or Not (17)
When Mrs. Hanson returned home with the rest of her family, she went to see what Taylor and Angel were up to. She entered Taylor's room (let's just say he has his own room. That's why they call this fiction), and she smiled at what she saw.

Taylor and Angel were sleeping, with their arms wrapped around each other on his bed. Their hair was a mass of brown and white tresses, and they were wearing identical red shirts. Being a mom, she just had to take a picture before waking them up.

"Taylor," she whispered, kissing his forehead, "wake up."

Taylor opened his eyes and smiled at his mom. He looked over at Angel and gently kissed her cheek. She slowly lifted her eyelids, and Taylor helped her sit up.

"Mom, do you think we could go see a movie before Angel's parents come home?" asked Taylor.

"I don't see why not. You have at least three hours. I'll let you decide which one you want to see while you wake up. I'm going to be downstairs. Just tell me when you've decided," Mrs. Hanson said as she walked out of the room and shut Taylor's door. It seemed like just yesterday Taylor was talking about building a bomb to get rid of all the girls on earth. "Guess he changed his mind," she thought.

"So, what do you want to see, Angel?" Taylor asked her.

"Well, I still haven't gotten to see 'Good Will Hunting.' Wanna try that one?" she said.

"Sure. I haven't seen that yet either, and everyone is saying how good it is. "

"And," said Angel, hoping to get some kind of a reaction out of Taylor, "Matt Damon is really hot."

Taylor turned to Angel and put on his most innocent looking puppy dog face. She kissed his lower lip, which was sticking out, and when she went to pull away, Taylor only deepened the kiss.

"Still think Matt Damon is hot?" asked Taylor when they finally parted.

"Who?" Angel asked, kissing Taylor again.

"That's what I thought," said Taylor smiling.

They walked downstairs, having decided on a movie, and Isaac volunteered to drive them to the theater. When they got out of the car, however, Taylor was immediately attacked by five or six girls who wanted an autograph. This attracted a huge crowd, and they soon realized that there was no way they could ever get in and out of the theater in peace, so they hopped back in the car and drove instead to Blockbuster.

There were no good movies out, so they ended up renting some video games. They got Primal Rage, Cruisin' USA, and Mortal Kombat. When they returned home, they went straight up to Taylor's room, and they lay down on his bed again. They each grabbed a controller, and they decided to play Cruisin' USA first.

Chapter Eighteen

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