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Happiness? (18)
All too soon, Angel had to leave so that her parents wouldn't be suspicious. She kissed Taylor's cheek, and they agreed to meet in the treehouse again that night. For some reason, she felt much better now that she and Taylor had talked with his mom.

She went home and changed out of Taylor's clothes realizing that it might seem just a little strange to her family if she was wearing clothes that were not her own. Besides that, they might even think she was up to something. She didn't think they would, considering that they were all so wrapped up with her sisters to even take notice that she was there.

Her family returned home around 6:00, and they were going to go out to dinner. Angel couldn't get out of it because (for some odd reason) her mom insisted that she come and spend time with her family.

They decided to go to a little Italian restaurant. The food was great, although the service left something to be desired. All throughout dinner, she listened in as her parents discussed the trip to the island.

"Angel, honey," said her mom, "we have decided that you are old enough to have your own room, so you will have a hotel room to yourself. I trust that you are also old enough to know that I don't want you to spend alot of time with Taylor. Please understand that I'm not doing this to be mean. I just want you to be happy."

"Happy? She's going to restrict me from seeing Taylor and spending time with my best friend because she wants me to be happy?" thought Angel. "This just sucks, Mom," she said out loud.

"Angel, don't ever say that in front of your sisters! And what are you so mad about?" asked her mother, completely oblivious.

"Taylor Hanson happens to be the nicest person I have ever met. He has been my best friend ever since we came here a month ago. What is it about him that you think would make me unhappy?"

Her mother looked at her intently, "Angel, there is no way you could ever be happy with him. Besides, you are way too young to be in such an intimate relationship. Angel, you slept together!"

"Yeah, Mom. That's it. We SLEPT. We didn't do anything. Why can't you understand?"

"Angel," said her mom, "I don't want you to get hurt. If you're with Taylor, there is no way you can avoid that. He has his music, you have your whole social world back in Florida. We're only here for four months out of the year. I think it's best if you just don't see Taylor. In time, you're going to forget about him, and you're going to move on. Just wait. You'll see that I'm right."

Angel decided not to argue because her mom was beginning to raise her voice, and Angel didn't want her mom to make a scene in a restaurant with a billion people staring at her. She ate the rest of her dinner in silence, and she didn't speak to anyone unless she was asked a question.

She wasn't going to let her mom get away with this. All she wanted was Taylor, and she knew that would make her happy. Her mom just couldn't see that. She also found it disturbing that her father seemed to disagree with what her mom was saying, yet he didn't say anything.

When Angel returned home, she went upstairs, grabbed her pajamas, and headed out the window in the direction of the treehouse. It was only 9:00, but she needed to get out. She just wanted to be alone. There was nothing she missed more about Florida than the fact that all the rooms in her house were soundproof. Here, she could hear every single argument that went on. She needed some time and space to herself, and she knew Taylor wouldn't mind her using the treehouse.

She walked through the woods behind her house slowly. She let the wind blow softly blow across her face. She reached the treehouse, and she began climbing the ladder slowly. When she climbed inside, she was taken by surprise.

Chapter Nineteen

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